Thursday is International Left-Handers Day and it made me think about a few studies I found.  There is no denying it; southpaws have had a tough run, strange prejudices, taboos, negative mentions in the bible, but despite all that right-handed flack, lefties are a pretty badass group.  After all a relationship is all about balance- so put your right hand out there and grab a leftie to make a match.

Being left or right-handed influences the direction a person tilts their heads when kissing- although it was only the case if they initiated the kiss. Research found that more than two-thirds of “kiss initiators” and “kiss recipients” turned their heads to the right and men accounted for 79% of the kiss initiators.  The head-leaning direction of the kiss initiator also strongly predicted the head-leaning direction of the kiss recipient.   Ok now we’ve figured out the kissing, does right versus left matter in the sack?  Oh you bet.  Over 80% of left-handed people reported they were “extremely satisfied” with their sex lives.  Only 15% of the righties could say the same.

 Either way, lefties have the upper hand— That’s a chance everyone should take!

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Are you looking for LOVE in all the right places — Victoria?

I hear it everyday, where are all the singles?  Well listen up YYJ, Victoria Singles do exist—and they are not hard to find. I think we can all agree that, we are more than ready for a fresh start and have something fun to look forward to in the year ahead. 

If you have decided to leave it to luck alone — I decided to turn to the science of it and research some Stats Canada and our own data to find the highest concentrations of single women in Victoria. 

The highest concentration overall is in North Park, Harris Green and Downtown.  Surprising?  Well that is also true for much of South Jubilee, Vic West and Burnside areas. But take a drive out to rural Langford, the odds of finding a single woman much lower.  There, less that two out of ten women are single.

Look at our #locallove beauty featured in Victoria Times Colonist August 7&9, 2020 — Sometimes a guy needs a little help!