Entries by Jane Carstens

Can’t buy me LOVE? Wanna bet!

Having a better social life can be worth as much as an additional $131,232 a year in terms of life satisfaction: What’s the best bet? Agreeing with Harvard happiness expert Daniel Gilbert, more time with friends and family, say the researchers:   A happy marriage is worth $105,000 a year: Separation costs you $255,000 a […]

Battle of the Sexy Voices as seen on GMA

Women have it over Men to attract a mate! Battle of the Sexy Voices, but wait……. Men do it better with confidence!!!! Here are some tips from GMA http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/video/study-men-incapable-making-voice-sexy-23436803?tab=9482931&section=1206835    

Oh Susanna!

While we have been busy igniting sparks in Vancouver, our dearest Susanna has been busy experiencing Europe (while doing her MFA of course). Here is a photo she shared with us, of her in Glasgow. Can’t wait to have her back in the office this summer!

Feisty is fun!

Do men really prefer a feisty gal to a super sweet one?  Weigh in and let us know what YOU think! http://t.co/cFjNDSiUtv

There is no age limit for love!

No matter what your age, love is always possible. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/29/your-money/matchmakers-can-help-those-over-60-navigate-datings-risks-and-rewards.html?_r=0