Entries by Jane Carstens

Even though it’s Halloween, I promise I won’t Ghost You!

Halloween has been always an important holiday for singles looking to meet new people in a more casual setting and this year is no different.  Other than the virtual and socially distanced festivities and platforms required to safely partake in its festivities, it is important to pinpoint what works and what does not to make […]

Are you a Cat or Dog “Single” Person

Pets have been openly discussed for a generation as surrogate ‘fur babies.’ We now see an emerging trend among young professionals since the imposing restrictions during the wave of Covid.  Having been forced to weeks of physical distancing, it is also driving many people of all ages to seek out emotional closeness during this period of […]

As if all the self doubt on a 1st date was not enough.

As if all the self doubt on a 1st date was not enough.  Here are a few quotes that will lead you to where you want to be in finding a partner, all the time telling you to take that leap of faith.  Don’t care or try to think about what they want, worry about […]

If Loving a Leftie is wrong, We don’t wanna be Right!

Thursday is International Left-Handers Day and it made me think about a few studies I found.  There is no denying it; southpaws have had a tough run, strange prejudices, taboos, negative mentions in the bible, but despite all that right-handed flack, lefties are a pretty badass group.  After all a relationship is all about balance- […]

LOCAL LOVE – Listen up YYJ, Victoria Singles do Exist

Are you looking for LOVE in all the right places — Victoria? I hear it everyday, where are all the singles?  Well listen up YYJ, Victoria Singles do exist—and they are not hard to find. I think we can all agree that, we are more than ready for a fresh start and have something fun […]

Single Dads can Teach their Kids Healthy Dating Attitudes

Looking for love…… Duh. Looking for a partner…… Absolutely. In essence: Dating is life. Parenting is life. Stop making such a big deal out of the former, and the latter becomes far less complicated. Who would not want their kids to see resilience, and for the single parent it means loving again and not just coping?  Which […]

Love after Lockdown? It’s not looking too bad!

We may not have been able to meet our Mr, Ms, or Mx Right physically over the past few months, but we might actually be making deeper connections thanks to lockdown. Today we are seeing that people are taking dating far more seriously, and people have become aware of how precious life and time is, […]

Getting Back Out There: Dating in this new world

You can still meet that right person, even as we emerge slowly from months of confinement. At Matchmaker for Hire, we’re all about connections while remaining dedicated to the health and safety of our clients. We know how difficult and isolating the past weeks have been for many people, but’s now’s not time to meet your match in […]

First Dates over Phone, FaceTime & Zoom- Do they work?

In some ways virtual dating is a different ballgame from meeting someone in real life – and in some ways it is not.  As someone who can speak with experience and direct commentary on dating today, it’s a well-known fact that dating at any time is not for the faint of heart or those easily […]