Rhonda has been in the matchmaking business for the last 5 years. Past clients have told her they feel and immediate sense of trust on first meeting her. For Rhonda, integrity is not just a catch phrase; she lives her life around her core values of sincerity and honesty. Rhonda will not rest until […]

@equinerobin @maryzilba, that matchmaker scene was so funny! #RHOV @rhovancouver #Vancouver — Patryk Widejko (@WIDEJKO) April 3, 2013 Omg!!! @equinerobin and @maryzilba are hilarious! These matchmakers must have had a ball! #RHOV — alessia ricciuti (@alericciuti) April 3, 2013 …just some of the many tweets we saw from fans of the Real Housewives of Vancouver […]

I’m very pleased to announce that tonight, April 2nd, Matchmaker for Hire will be part of a story arc on the popular reality television show Real Housewives of Vancouver, (Slice TV@ 7pm & 10pm), helping one of the ladies find Mr. Right. Knowing of my romance and dating expertise in Western Canada, RHOV approached me and […]

This Cowboy needs his angel match!   He’s tall, dark, handsome, uncomplicated, and unpretentious and he’s Looking for Love in Calgary! And he’s hired me to look for you.  If you are 35+ – 45+ and share some of his interests, contact me [email protected]  before he is taken!      

This was published in  Victoria Times Colonist, February 14, 2013      

Published in the Victoria Times Colonist, Sunday February 17, 2013

  Jane’s father, Carl McGibbon has passed away.  Jane, her sister Ann, and her brother Jeff were at his side. Jane held a special bond with her dad, as daughters do, and he is now reunited with Jane’s mother Marjorie, who passed 25 years ago. We are sorry for Jane’s loss and extend to her  our […]

Being single doesn’t mean that you need to find Valentine’s Day a depressing occasion. You can still treat yourself and feel good about your single life. Here is a range of ideas for doing things to participate “in the spirit” while keeping up your spirit; or, you can simply treat it like any other day! […]

They had never given up hope, although there were days…Jim and Catherine were both 62 in 2009, their birthdays only five days apart.  They were both single and living on Vancouver Island, only two hours apart, and even though they were meant for each other they had never met.  Catherine was an office administrator in […]

                                              Jane , Jill , and Alex  May the warmth of Christmas grant you LOVE!