Alexandra, Jill and Jane sporting our MOvember look!!!!!!!

Fun time was had by all at the annual BIV Golf Tournament, hole 16, Men’s closest to the pin contest.

It’s funny how everyone fusses over the 1st of January as the start of a new year, when the fact of the matter is — many of us have a gut feeling that September 1st is the true beginning of a new start.   A fresh approach to our jobs after summer vacation (and Labour […]

Our shared Birthday……..March 30……..Here we are quite a few birthdays a go…. Jane 3 years old and Jill 2 years old…… Here we are today, for Lunch, taking a break from spreading the love……on our Birthday !  Friday March 30th, 2012  

Check out the interview with Dan Kahn – reporter for Shaw Cable TV-Victoria, airing this week February 9 thru 16th, where I talk about getting your dating groove back! Here is the link to match maker:      

I had the good fortune to be asked by Steve Darling to appear on his morning show to talk about the Vancouver Dating Scene, and where do people go to meet other singles? Watch for the video footage in the next few days……….in the meantime here is a picture of Steve and I after the interview.

You’ve got a new look; you feel great, all dressed up but no place to go? Come out to Paris Cliniqe Boutique and have some wine, appys and meet me,  Jane Carstens Vancouver’s favorite Matchmaker. I have a roster of eligible men who are working with me to find their soul mates. No quality single […]