If you are reading this, I already know that you are searching for the same thing that our BC Bachelor is. He understands the theory that hoping and wishing, no matter the time, are not enough to find a new relationship, or better yet find love.  In our experience, finding your soul mate requires a […]

  While virtual “meetings” are the norm these days, completely replacing physical meetings during one’s search for a partner, is NOT.  Sure, online dating has been the in-thing over the last decade, finding soulmates this way has proven it is not such a safe-haven. At the onset of Covid, we seen a spike of calls […]

In Australia, there is the possibility of a radical overhaul of online dating, which would include having to show proof of ID to sign up to the platforms. Some men and women have claimed the rules under consideration by the Federal Government would lead to over-policing and “take all the fun out of dating”. Others […]

I am about to celebrate a birthday.  Which one, I will not tell, but I don’t feel any older, other than just another day where I have to remember to change the digit when people ask how old I am.  But enough about my birthday! Birthdays are like your own personal national holiday; the one […]

With so many people working from home, 2020 was not the most social year.  A lot of us got accustomed to dating via zoom meetings, others, craving an opportunity to get out and meet someone new doing patio drinks, or socially distance walks.  In Canada, there has been caveats and province to province there has […]

Most single people are already set in their heads that they are skipping this year’s Valentines Day, but if you really want me to give you some advice……Leave any leftover lovers in 2020, do not bring them with you into 2021.  By leaving old relationships and baggage behind you can be open to the new […]

Heads Up!  It’s ONE MONTH till Valentine’s Day. Watching the Covid-19 data everyday, as I tend to do, has been a grim ritual.  In my neighbourhood, in the places where my friends, family, clients live and across the nation the cases, hospitalizations are getting worse and some are finding better.  So, when will there be […]

Our bachelor understands this theory the way we do. Hoping and wishing, no matter the year, are not enough to find a new relationship, or better still find love. In our experience, finding your soul mate requires a different, far more soul-enriching approach that can only enhance the outcome. We search from our record of […]

You may or may not have heard Santa is back on the market.  Here are just a few of the many reasons we can verify that he is a total catch. One workday a year = you want to play hooky on a random Tuesday and take a day trip up the coast, He’s down! […]

As a matchmaker for many interfaith couples, singles are taking a more united front. Not only do you have the opportunity to celebrate double the amount of holidays, that also typically fall around the same time and can be hectic–and they are just fine with that. Although the root of Christmas and Hanukkah celebrate two […]