Yes, he’s a divorced Dad , 41 , with two sons.
He was that guy that was on dating sites, afraid to mention his kids in his profile because no one would wink at him, and always felt awful about it. He adores his kids but dreaded the moments that he dropped that bomb on the women he was chatting with. He’s also that Dad in Target, in the sports section with his sons, and when he sees a gal walk by with a smile and while he smiles back wondering if it’s him or his son she sees. Hopefully its both of them; I mean they are a package deal. He finds his anxiety keeps him from making such attempts, albiet wants to, and regrets it as they leave the store.
For him he feels his reality is likely that she wouldn’t want him or understand the wonderfully unique adventure that is his everyday life. He’s a single Dad, so he must have drama; at least that is what he is telling himself. But the truth is the single Dads we work with are some of the most loving, compassionate and fun guys to date and they have no energy for drama! They aren’t there to waste your time….remember that every moment they spend with you is time away from their children and we all know how 5-month-olds become 5-year-olds in the blink of an eye.
Here’s a couple reasons why;
- They aren’t needy; they get all the love and affection they can from their kids. They can offer you those things because they understand their importance and they don’t fear vulnerability, emotional connection and romance. And when they get to see you finally, he has so much to give.
- The stigma that comes with baggage should-be pushed aside. His baggage isn’t baggage, but the badge of a man who has been there and done that. A man who doesn’t run from responsibility, and isn’t afraid of the words “love, marriage and family.”
- His badge is of a man who has kissed many boo boos, built pillow forts, is a constant role model to his kids knowing that life is filled with endless possibilities and that real love does exist! He is ready to meet a beautiful person and a good influence on his kids to build his life with.
Take a chance on a divorced Dad, and allow him to show you what makes him so special. Allow him to show you the man his kids love. In a dating universe full of guys who may be up to no good, they are the ones who want more than a one-night stand.
If you are single, in your thirties and looking for a great guy with kids, contact me [email protected] for a chance to meet him.