Happy 5th Birthday Logan

My Grandson Logan turns 5 today!


It seems like yesterday I saw him for the first time and now 5 years later, my world has been blessed beyond forever with the great love Logan has brought.




Ladies– are you the perfect complement to this once-in-a-lifetime catch in Victoria? Call now and see our ad in Niche Magazine, inserted into The Globe and Mail on July 15th.

Screen shot revised grammar 2013-06-21 at 11.38.17 AM

Meet Bond, Jane Bond! Watch for the ad in the Vancouver Sun on Saturday, June 22nd, and give me a call if you’re interested!

PS-VS-AB-Bond, Jane Bond-Sat June 22 2013-page-001

I told my Dad I wanted to be a Matchmaker and he said, “be careful not to burn yourself!” #DadQuotes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3I5hLCGH8M

Life is not a spectator sport– if you’re a light-hearted, outdoors-focused guy she’ll find you irresistible! Call me to meet her! As seen in the The Georgia Straight, June 13th, 2013.PS-GS-LS-Life is not a spectator Sport-page-001

As seen in the Victoria Times Colonist, Thursday May 30th, 2013.koziel ad may 30 vtc big