Meet Bond, Jane Bond! Watch for the ad in the Vancouver Sun on Saturday, June 22nd, and give me a call if you’re interested!

PS-VS-AB-Bond, Jane Bond-Sat June 22 2013-page-001

I told my Dad I wanted to be a Matchmaker and he said, “be careful not to burn yourself!” #DadQuotes

Life is not a spectator sport– if you’re a light-hearted, outdoors-focused guy she’ll find you irresistible! Call me to meet her! As seen in the The Georgia Straight, June 13th, 2013.PS-GS-LS-Life is not a spectator Sport-page-001

As seen in the Victoria Times Colonist, Thursday May 30th, 2013.koziel ad may 30 vtc big

Take a look at this super-powered engagement ring!


Ladies! Our stats say that 90% of you prefer men with no facial hair. Would you break your own rules for a cat beard?

See pictures here!

The most precious jewels around my neck this Mothers Day are the arms of my Grandsons, Logan, Leland, and Lincoln.

Photo taken by my BFF Glenda Travis.


my three grandsons