Have you ever told one of your single friends that they’re
totally crazy for not asking out your attractive, funny, single friend? No ? Well it happens in my world all the
time. If you are single and one of your
mutual friends are single, everybody wants to know; Why don’t you go out with
her? She’s pretty, she’s smart, she’s fun and she’s SINGLE; what more could you want ?
Great question. I
bring this to your attention because, more often than not, this is something
that can feel awkward, however not entirely
unique and most of you can empathize with the frustrating aspects of
Allow me to help you ….. appreciate setups and little nudges from your friends. I can’t necessarily put my finger on it, and it’s not always entirely clear to me how compatibility works, but you know what ? Sometimes it can work and it doesn’t mean you are a “fool” for not going after it. Nah. It just means that love’s a mystery sometimes and you’re still out there trying!
Wheels, Whiskey and She’s Single; what more do you
Single Gents , I am giving you a chance to meet one of my best VANCOUVER Bachelorettes—in an exclusive way, and at no cost to you.
LC balances her need for independence with the desire
for love and partnership and she’s quite the catch. She’s 60 and an attractive,
active, financially secure Prairie Girl
Professional who has time for fun and travel; is giving, smart and unique. She
enjoys sportscars, a whiskey straight up and
hopes to find someone who doesn’t take their lives overly seriously.
Contact me at [email protected] to learn more for yourself, your single Dad, Uncle or pass it on to your friends.
#womenandwhiskey #scotch
#whiskeygirl #findlove #love #matchmaker #matchmakerforhire #janecarstens #yvr
#vancouver #singlelife #bachelorette #travel #foodie #healthlylife
Wheels, Whiskey and She’s Single; what more do you want?
Have you ever told one of your single friends that they’re totally crazy for not asking out your attractive, funny, single friend? No ? Well it happens in my world all the time. If you are single and one of your mutual friends are single, everybody wants to know; Why don’t you go out with her? She’s pretty, she’s smart, she’s fun and she’s SINGLE; what more could you want ?
Great question. I bring this to your attention because, more often than not, this is something that can feel awkward, however not entirely unique and most of you can empathize with the frustrating aspects of dating.
Allow me to help you ….. appreciate setups and little nudges from your friends. I can’t necessarily put my finger on it, and it’s not always entirely clear to me how compatibility works, but you know what ? Sometimes it can work and it doesn’t mean you are a “fool” for not going after it. Nah. It just means that love’s a mystery sometimes and you’re still out there trying!
Wheels, Whiskey and She’s Single; what more do you want?
Single Gents , I am giving you a chance to meet one of my best VANCOUVER Bachelorettes—in an exclusive way, and at no cost to you.
LC balances her need for independence with the desire for love and partnership and she’s quite the catch. She’s 60 and an attractive, active, financially secure Prairie Girl Professional who has time for fun and travel; is giving, smart and unique. She enjoys sportscars, a whiskey straight up and hopes to find someone who doesn’t take their lives overly seriously.
Contact me at [email protected] to learn more for yourself, your single Dad, Uncle or pass it on to your friends.
#womenandwhiskey #scotch #whiskeygirl #findlove #love #matchmaker #matchmakerforhire #janecarstens #yvr #vancouver #singlelife #bachelorette #travel #foodie #healthlylife
If you are Single on Thanksgiving, You’re going to be OK, I promise
If you are single on Thanksgiving this weekend you may easily feel a little nervous going home for the holidays anticipating the family court of questions about your love life. You shouldn’t be ashamed for being single and letting them know there isn’t a “SO” in your life. I am not saying it won’t sting a little bit, but not being in a relationship is a great time to explore what you’re into and the kind of person you see yourself with.
Rest assured there is absolutely nothing wrong with you, and it’s totally valid if you want people to stop questioning you about your lack of partner in your life. A simple solution; say “I’m single, so, what’s new with you?”. It’s a clear and straightforward way to pivot the conversation that you don’t want to discuss it any further.
From there, you can enjoy the food, fall weather, and the rest of the night- Single doesn’t have to go home early!
National Boyfriend Day – Meet LD
Apparently, Oct 3 is National Boyfriend Day. Just because the internet says so doesn’t mean it’s a thing, however if you are single and actually quite like a boyfriend, we sure don’t need another day to rub it in. So instead of making it another day of a larger societal trend of making single women feel bad, just for being single (yes, that’s right we know you do that), take a day to remind yourself that your other half DOES exist.
So, to all the single ladies on National Boyfriend Day, I am giving you a chance to meet one of my best Vancouver Bachelors—in an exclusive way, and at no cost to you.
LD is ready to put himself out there and he’s quite the catch! He is in his late 40’s, tall, dark, and good-looking Professional Athlete who is a philanthropist, caring, giving, smart, sincere and unique. He enjoys living a healthy lifestyle balanced with showing off his culinary skills, spoiling his nieces, and travel. He hopes to find his special woman soon so contact us [email protected] to learn more for yourself or pass it on to your best girlfriends.
Dating – No More Quid Pro Quo
Much of the world today seems to operate on contracts. With such a “quid pro quo” approach, both sides get something for giving something. While quid pro quo contracts seem to work well in establishing things such as lawn service or credit card agreements, they rarely are found in any healthy, dating relationships.
Why? That’s because inherent in the “you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours” approach is the fact that each partner keeps a runny tally of who’s done what for whom, and then reciprocates accordingly. And we all know that we have times when we contribute less in our relationships than your partner and that relationships are rarely a perfect 50/50 division; sometimes you do more sometimes you do less.
However, in a world today where we have due dates, late fees and quid pro quo responsibilities to keep track of, it should bring comfort for many to be in a relationship where kind acts are done out of genuine love, not in hopes of getting something in return.
No tallies, no who did what and not whose turn is next. It’s a great feeling, and a great way to keep love alive, especially when you are dating. Now go do something nice.
When Matchmakers Work Together, Everyone Wins !
Over the last decade, boutique matchmaking firms have cultivated reputations as caring and collaborative professionals who provide personalized assistance to hundreds of singles in North America and around the world.
So far, we have had an undeniably positive influence on the dating scene and we want to continue helping as many singles as we can in as many ways as we can. We are more than willing to expand our reach, influence and expertise with other professionals who share similar goals and business models in the dating industry. We can give our clients access to the best potential matches possible as many of our clients have second homes in different parts of the country. In fact most of the dynamic Matchmakers I’ve met have become so well-known for their dating expertise and combined years of experience you might have seen them on many media outlets.
The one thing we all agree on is that we really feel we’re making a difference in people’s lives. I mean that’s why we all got into the matchmaking business in the first place (18 years for me), to give the best gift we can give someone — to help them find love.
September SCOOP: This week, our strong matchmaking network from around the Pacific North West know the value of collaboration and we are attending a forward-thinking day of face-to-face meetings and collaboration hosted in Seattle. So if it suits you to expand your reach out to other areas for potential matches within NA or throughout the world let your Matchmaker know. We can help you access to the best resources possible “because a rising tide lifts all boats” US President John F. Kennedy.
Online Romance/Dating Scam Artists steal Hearts, then Money !
Today the FBI announced indictments in a massive money laundering scheme. They stated about 50% of the cases were online Romance Scams.
By Definition; A romance scam is a confidence trick involving feigning romantic intentions towards a victim, gaining their affection, and then using that goodwill to commit fraud.
Scammers take advantage of people looking for romantic partners, often via dating websites, apps, social media and yes, even Facebook by pretending to be prospective companions. Peppering their pray with endearments avoiding face to face connection because of an “invisible love interest” ; making this fraud easier to commit. But can algorithm really determine if 2 strangers could be soulmates? Research proves , NO !
Here are a few warning signs of an online dating scam;
What really matters is it’s being done, and part of it is knowing the law and whether you live in a romance scam hotspot. Police never call to ask you for money and banks never text you either. The reported loss from victims of romance scams in Canada was just under $25 million in 2018, according to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre and together with the U.S has lost nearly $1 billion over the last three years.
So, how should you approach online dating if you want to meet someone?
Watch how a BC Woman lost her sister to a romance scam and is hoping her story and us sharing will prevent other tragedies. https://globalnews.ca/news/5095659/romance-scam-money/
To report a Romance Scam in Canada file a report with your local police department and the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre : http://www.antifraudcentre.ca/reportincident-signalerincident/index-eng.htm
Single? Get your GROOVE back!
Whether you’re bouncing back after a divorce, or recovering from the death of your life partner, returning to the dating scene is never easy. Indeed, from the challenge of meeting someone new, to wondering if they’ll call again, to those inevitable questions about sex and intimacy, the prospect of getting back in the groove can seem downright daunting.
For the most part of the singles we meet, baby boomers are the fastest-growing group of new singles. Indeed many in this age group are divorced, single or widowed and now find themselves back out on the dating scene for the first time in years. The one important thing to remember is that almost everyone shares at least some of that same anxiety and if you want to start dating again, you won’t have to look far to find companionship!
Now if you have a happy and fulfilling life without dating, you shouldn’t feel pressured into a social scene that’s not right for you. At the same time, if you’re craving companionship and maybe a little romance, don’t be shy about filling those needs – and the dating world is an excellent place to start!
So you are probably saying –now what? How do you meet eligible people? Should you try online dating or do it the old-fashioned way, finding dates through friends, acquaintances or a matchmaker?
I can point out that dating is a numbers game, and you’re probably going to have to meet a few people before you find someone you really like. And if you are a busy person with work commitments, kids at home, then you have to make dating efficient. And there is no more efficient vehicle than working with matchmaker.
Let’s take the first step together! We love working with first time back to the dating scene singles. What may seem like a daunting task ahead of you is what we do everyday. Helping guide our clients through the process and make the experience enjoyable.
Take the plunge email [email protected]
Sexual Orientation is Not Set in Stone
Since founding my company, Matchmaker for Hire, I have been working as Matchmaker in Western Canada areas and beyond and I love what I do. I love my clients and the relationships I was building, however I’m finding some singles are embracing the notion that they are more open to changes in their sexuality or experience a shift in sexual feelings and its becoming more common.
I hear it all the time; “dating is so hard”, “I feel like I know everyone”, “I am so picky”. There are so many reasons why matchmaking is so crucial in today’s world. Today the majority still rely on dating online and hook-up mobile apps, but there are so many reasons why LGBTQ+ matchmaking is crucial to help find that “special someone” who is stable in all aspects of their life.
I have lived in a few major metropolitan cities and know dating is hard everywhere and the issue for most in the LGBTQ+ community, which I’m sure many people would agree, is that there are only so many gay bars where professional singles go to socialize, and it seems like social networks are incestuous. As well , it’s unfortunate that not everyone has the luxury of being “out” which causes a slew of other issues as far as dating online, where matchmaking provides the confidentiality that a lot of people need.
It goes without saying that dating has changed a lot over the years, and we are extremely proud to support the LGBTQ+ community who are looking for love. Look for us this Sunday at PRIDE Vancouver Canada and we hope to catch up with everyone’s Pride and summer plans; also make some great networking and romantic connections.
Happy Pride !
The Pierson Halcro families celebrated the season finale last night of the popular E Entertainment “Relatively Nat & Liv “ TV series that follows the high-octane shenanigans of the PIERCROS families living in Vancouver, Canada. We were of course excited to contribute a very small part in the series and we could never repay them for this kind of endorsement. I know you would not be adverse to me sending you some Gucci ?
Seriously , thank you Pierson Halcro ladies, I’m grateful. The love you share with one another is your greatest asset. All the best for your Nat & Liv Collection and Season 2.
Our appearance was Season 1 episode 6 aired on July 7, 2019
Re watch on Hayu Canada
Feel like your Dating Life is Turning to Sh*t !
One of the most powerful things I learned from my clients was that while you are not in control of everything that happens to you, you are in control of the meaning it gives when it comes to dating and finding love.
If you experience life while looking for love with the understanding that you are authoring the story it will allow you to make the brave decisions rather than “seeing what happens” and *reacting* to it.
When you can conceive that obstacles (like a not so great first date) are not the end, and merely a chapter, it makes them easier to overcome. Its like knowing you can write the antagonist out of a plot simply by changing the decisions he/she will make, and the storyline will flow. Realizing you have a choice to make a circumstance either end the principle character or make he/she stronger, you will start looking for creative ways you can overcome things, rather than questioning if you would.
I am not sure what you are going thru with your dating experiences, my friends, but I just wanted to remind you that you are holding the pen……