While you still might be tempted to have more “Netflix and Chill” nights, as the temperatures rises, endorphins spark as the sun comes out; so, does your desire for a relationship. There is something about the days getting a little longer brings us all out of the woodworks and we are seeing a surge in singles wanting to put themselves out there to meet someone,
As spring falls upon us there are still do’s and don’ts when it comes to meeting the right kind of match, based on what you’re looking for and here are a couple of steps you can follow to meet your Spring Love;
DO lose your “laundry list”; This doesn’t mean go out with anyone who asks, but your perfect partner is never 100 percent of what you think is perfect for you that you’ve put on a piece of paper. Date smart, but date with a balance of openness.
DON’T TMI; As relaxed as you are with this great first date, trust me that he’d rather not hear about your alcoholic mother who has a bad habit of continuing asking you for money. As interesting as you think he finds it, it’s because he wants to get to know as much as possible since this is probably the last time he will see you.
DO keep it simple, stupid; Stop trying to complicate things that are not. Relax, stop overanalyzing and putting unfounded pressure on your first few dates. You’re not getting married, you are on your second date.
DON’T try too hard; Put your best foot forward, work on yourself, but remain humbly confident. Don’t ever try to be something you are not in order to try to make someone like you. No one’s perfect. Be your best YOU that you can be, and you will find that right person who loves you for you, flaws and all.
After reading these DOs and DON’Ts are you be ready to meet your Spring Love?
Contact me [email protected]
“hope springs eternal meaning, definition, what is hope springs eternal: said when you continue to hope that something will happen, although it seems unlikely.”
Choosing YOUR Matchmaker; What’s Right for You?
OK, now that I have convinced you to outsource your love life, ( https://matchmakerforhire.comonline-dating-vs-matchmaking-the-pros-and-cons/ ) , you’ll find yourself faced with another decision to make. Do you want to work with an independently owned boutique Matchmaker with decades of experience, or a franchised dating service?
There are advantages and disadvantages for both, so the trick is to figure out which works for you. To do this, you need to understand and do some research on the differences between the two and reflect on which is best suited to your personality, strengths, and goals.
Of course, you’re in luck. Not only do we help our clients take the first step together, all in the comfort of your own home, we love working with clients new to, or disheartened with, the intimidating world of dating. What may seem like a daunting task ahead of you, we can guide you through the process, introduce you to quality people and make your dating experiences positive, enjoyable, and that turn into 2nd ones! Yep…… we get pretty excited about it too!
It’s a beautiful thing when a career and passion come together!
From our standpoint…… We are in Love with Love!
Contact us; Jane Carstens / [email protected] Rhonda Ceci / [email protected] or call 778-552-3350
Photo credit : Natalia Anje Photography nataliaanja.com
T-shirt: Big Love Ball bigloveball.com/shop-products/
Photo credit Natalia Anje
Online Dating VS. Matchmaking: The pro’s and con’s.
Out sourcing your love life is becoming more and more mainstream. A lot of people now resort to finding potential dates online or hire a matchmaker and have someone do all the groundwork in finding a partner for them.
But how is online dating any different than matchmaking? Both may seem fairly similar methods of meeting “the one”, there is actually a huge difference between the two. In online dating you do all the work and are directly involved in profiling yourself and finding a potential partner. That’s great if you have lots of time on your hands and are into a numbers game. An alternative option is to have a professional dating expert with experience and expertise in bringing two compatible people together. Although both dating systems aim to pair people up, online dating is often less specific in matching, thereby making it less effective compared to matchmaking.
In online dating you meet people with similar interests and hobbies, but they may not necessarily be compatible in other areas of their lives. You also have the freedom to review thousands of profiles—the volume of potential dates seems endless! In the real world, this notion is virtually impossible. Too many choices leads to fatigue and exhaustion. Sounding all too familiar?
Compare this to matchmaking. After being interviewed, you are paired with carefully reviewed potential dates. An experienced matchmaker will reduce the volume of potential dates, focusing purely on quality and zero in on the candidates who have the highest potential, and are genuinely looking for a partner. The matchmaking process is as scientific as it gets—making it more accurate and with better results than online dating. This consistent screening method substantially increases the chance of a successful match.
Matchmaking, simply put helps you get in the door but it’s up to you how to stay there once you’ve made it. It helps you meet the right person, but it’s completely up to you to make the relationship work.
This editorial prepared by Jane Carstens
As seen in the 50 Plus Living section of the Comox Valley Record , Vancouver Island http://www.comoxvalleyrecord.com
Love; You win some, You learn some.
“Hey Google, what are the chances of winning the lottery,” and the results should send you running for the hills. While your chances of getting struck by lightning may be greater than striking it rich in the lotto, people win big at finding LOVE on a fairly regular basis. Right now, there are countless people celebrating it, cursing it or searching for it. And who can blame them? Love is a many splendored thing.
So, today we are sharing one (of many) of our favourite Love Stories with you. Our story comes from August 2013 and our Prince Charming grand slam.
You know the old saying: you win some, you lose some… and then there’s that little-known third category…..as quoted by Al Gore
2 Reasons Why -She’s Perfect For You!
When a woman is off the charts, she can have any guy she wants and for some reason she is still looking for you! Well that’s what some of you might be thinking, but guys, what a gift this woman is to invite you into the next level of your glorious evolution! Take her off the pedestal, don’t get me wrong she’s a magnificent goddess and she farts like the rest of us. Perhaps hers don’t stink but you get the picture, yes?
So, if you are looking for a great relationship, its time to get present and focus on two things:
I’m sorry to say that most men (and women…..me included) are stubborn and want to ‘do it on our own’ and when we have hit the wall we are more willing to ask for help. Well don’t wait until then, and I challenge you to not wait and to be proactive.
I would be privileged to book a time to connect with me to at least see if she is for you, attraction and connection aside.
Email me confidentially at [email protected] \ or call 778-552-3350 \ As seen in the Victoria Times Colonist – Saturday May 26, 2018
I’m looking for someone to do nothing with!
Most of the people I meet who are venturing back into the dating world have no idea what they want in a partner. Oh, don’t kid yourself they have a list a mile-long of qualities and traits that they are certain they will not tolerate again but the one thing they have a hard time telling me is what they are looking for.
For some, not having a clue of what they wanted in a partner has in the past lead to some epic dating adventures. Simply because they have either given everyone a chance or let some good ones pass them by, meeting several colorful personalities with whom have developed into platonic friendships, along with a handful of whack jobs that had them thinking of never dating again. Starting to sound familiar?
Thru all this trial and error, they discover what it is that they are actually looking for – someone to do nothing with. The concept of having someone to do nothing with should not be confused with having nothing in common. Having nothing in common generally equates to having separate interests, which often leads to having separate lives. But hear me out.
Having someone to do nothing with is finding someone to spend your unscheduled moments with — the person you share the comfortable silence with when you’re driving, or the one you lean against when you’re on the couch surfing Pinterest for dinner ideas. They’re the one that you enjoy your morning cup of coffee with, or the one that chats with you while you’re folding laundry.
They’re the person in your world that makes your everyday living moments better simply because they’re in your presence. While I’m an advocate for date night and the important role it plays in a relationship, I have come to realize that most neglect the importance of finding someone that simply wants to be with them — no activities, no schedules, just enjoying the company of one another.
Spring, and LOVE, is just around the corner.
While you still might be tempted to have more “Netflix and Chill” nights, as the temperatures rises, endorphins spark as the sun comes out; so, does your desire for a relationship. There is something about the days getting a little longer brings us all out of the woodworks and we are seeing a surge in singles wanting to put themselves out there to meet someone,
As spring falls upon us there are still do’s and don’ts when it comes to meeting the right kind of match, based on what you’re looking for and here are a couple of steps you can follow to meet your Spring Love;
DO lose your “laundry list”; This doesn’t mean go out with anyone who asks, but your perfect partner is never 100 percent of what you think is perfect for you that you’ve put on a piece of paper. Date smart, but date with a balance of openness.
DON’T TMI; As relaxed as you are with this great first date, trust me that he’d rather not hear about your alcoholic mother who has a bad habit of continuing asking you for money. As interesting as you think he finds it, it’s because he wants to get to know as much as possible since this is probably the last time he will see you.
DO keep it simple, stupid; Stop trying to complicate things that are not. Relax, stop overanalyzing and putting unfounded pressure on your first few dates. You’re not getting married, you are on your second date.
DON’T try too hard; Put your best foot forward, work on yourself, but remain humbly confident. Don’t ever try to be something you are not in order to try to make someone like you. No one’s perfect. Be your best YOU that you can be, and you will find that right person who loves you for you, flaws and all.
After reading these DOs and DON’Ts are you be ready to meet your Spring Love?
Contact me [email protected]
“hope springs eternal meaning, definition, what is hope springs eternal: said when you continue to hope that something will happen, although it seems unlikely.”
She’s Miles from ORDINARY!
There’s something about her that is is self assured, unpredictability exciting and you will want to meet her. If you are 60+ Gent, living in Victoria and have a curious mind and lots of gusto contact me — [email protected] or call 778-552-3350
With Einstein as Cupid what could possibly go wrong?
Testimonial: “You sure know me. I can only imagine the demands in matching algorithms…… You must be the Einstein of Love.” He said smiling. That’s what one of our clients recently had to say.
Is there a formula for successful relationships? You bet! The five-to-one ratio of positive-to-negative emotions suggests there is and the difference in having found “the one” as apposed to “someone” can be:
Once established well over months where it keeps existing—this magnetism blossoms to where you can’t live without the other person. Resist the desire for any next steps until 4 seasons have gone by, and you have experienced visitations with her/his friends and family, seen his/her reactions to a large variety of events such as changes in political climate, religious experiences, movies and intellectual pursuits, passions of many kinds, discussions on health, patterns of living, rural or urban style, future plans, desire for travel, views on children, volunteering, helping others—all topics you can bring up…and many more that give a broader perspective about the person. Satisfy your need to know these things to avoid big future controversies.
Matchmaker vs. Cupid: Which one do you choose when it comes to finding love? Would you rather get a visit from the messenger of love or a Matchmaker superhero who can save you from a dating disaster?
Going to a sporting event on a FIRST DATE, Yay or Nay?
If she is a fan of the team, I don’t see why not – however normally I’d see it as a bad move, but all depends on how comfortable she is with it and if she’s excited to go then ……it’s a good move!
With FIRST DATES, there should be 3 components to it. You need to take some time and create a plan.
Dinner –not a good first date plan. If you decide 15 min in you have zero in common you are stuck for an hour or more and you’ve giving a message that you have carved the whole evening for someone, you hardly know. Its like having 2/3 of the date all upfront. So guys, here we go!
Even if she’s not a big sports fan, she’s sure to enjoy a laid-back evening or afternoon at a minor league ball game. Amateur teams tend to have more entertainment during the game, which will provide you with tons of conversation starters. Plus, the drinks and food won’t cost and arm and a leg which is especially good news if things don’t pan out.
Thanks to Steve Darling and the Vancouver SportsNet 650 morning team for having me on the air today!
Option Dating – Stacking Probabilities
Success in dating, much like “Day Trading”, really boils down to two things; what’s going on inside your head and what’s happening with your results. The key is to get the two in-sync with one another– rather than on the collision course to the calamity you may have it on right now. This basically means having “things come together to a point” which means stacking the odds in your favour……. yes, even in dating.
Ready? ……Let’s Go!
As a Professional Matchmaker for the last 16 years, I always need to see a high-probability element and at that point it’s a definite reason to make a match. The more supporting aspects or commonalities clients have, the more likely I am to recommend they meet. Here’s a quick checklist of some factors of dating you can look at to increase the chances for success in dating for you;
Conclusion…to those on the outside, finding the one is not the result of getting lucky. Rather, it’s the end result of putting everything together. Like most things in life, it is the end result of doing a lot of little things right, consistently and it only takes one slip-up of your discipline to start an emotional snowball of dating mistakes.
Safe-guard yourself. Develop these dating habits or learn a no fluff, no filler, just an honest effective better chance at successful dating right from the source! ……….. CALL ME!