Jane and Reghan april 2016Yesterday the Lovely Reghan Blake , as  blondeBlake.com  dropped by the office to have a little chat about Fashion and Dating!

Oh what to wear on a first date , she asked,  my take: ‘Working up the courage to ask someone out is the toughest part!!!!”

Yes there is “an occasion for every outfit”.

Read our interview http://blondeblake.com/category/fashion-chats/



Dating Vancouver Women-Infamous for being difficult to date-or find for that matter??? Oh contraire, I have quite a few Vancouver gents that will disagree…..just sayin!

read more


All that comes from Love is worthwhile!  For me , 2016 marks 14 years as a Professional Matchmaker and yes it is an amazing job!

Most people think that when they hire me to help find them someone to share their life with it is my job to “match” them and send them on their way.  This may be what most matchmakers do but I have learned over the years that it is not always that simple.  The hardest part of what I do is actually the most rewarding and that is helping the client get out of their own way.  We all have room for improvement and this is where coaching fits in.  It is not only my job to match my clients; it is my job to help them present the very best version of their authentic self so they are prepared not only for a date but to develop a healthy long lasting relationship.

The fact that I have been doing this for 14 years should speak volumes.  I actually stopped keeping track of marriages after my first 5 years.  I was at the point where I knew it worked and keeping up with the “statistics” just became extra work which meant less time I could focus on matching my clients.

love made me do it neon sign

For the most part, long-distance relationships have been impossible to sustain due to travel reasons alone. The internet has made it much more easier, but as I found out with matching my clients who actually want to meet their matches face to face, romance and relationships are a different animal when thousands of miles separate you.

The good news as it turns out, it’s possible to bridge the gap, both physically and figuratively, but not without major changes to a lot of things, and manage to move into a normal, local relationship.

Now, I won’t be able to tell you exactly how to do it but hopefully by sharing this couples story, it can shed some light on how to decide where to set up home……..together!

Read more here: http://www.timescolonist.com/news/local/jack-knox-live-in-victoria-or-kelowna-how-one-couple-decided-1.2238276









Three years ago, the RHOV film crew came to our office in Yaletown and what attention we got in our building! We got right to business and presented four bachelors to Mary and Robin, as part of a story arc on Real Housewives of Vancouver, helping one of the ladies find Mr. Right. Re-runs have been running this spring and while I am feeling the LOVE all over again, I can’t say whether he turned out to be Mr. Right or not, I can say that he certainly was a very hot commodity — and a TV star in his own right.

Keep in mind that I don’t do “glamorous” matches like this all the time, but I usually deal with high net-worth individuals as well as regular folks, and 80% of our first dates always turn into second ones.

I love the impact we’re making, and the lives we are changing!

waiting for mr right image with red dress


Due to readers demand after publishing in December 2015 “Matchmakers on the Challenges Men Have in the Dating Scene Today” I was asked to participate again with a select group of matchmakers from around the world to discuss the subject from the women’s point of view. Thanks to Anat Ben-Shaul, A for Lifestyle from Seattle, to add me to her exclusive group to comment in her blog “Matchmakers on the Challenges Women Have in the Dating Scene Today” ! Here’s my take:

Contrary to popular belief, women in the dating scene today find there are lots of opportunities to meet wonderful men…it just takes longer! Sure it can be pretty tough – well not just tough, but confusing. Confusing in ways that most of us girls probably don’t understand. So having watched clients make more than a few mistakes, here are a couple points, as plain as we know how to say it, to help in essence see the situational truth in dating:

Giving up to Soon? No matter the age, the most beautiful, most accomplished – if you’re dating there will come a time when you get rejected. Most often today, it comes in the form of never getting another call…and that means rejection can be good for you as you don’t want to waste time on that guy anyways. Keep your self-esteem intact; great communication is the beginning of a meaningful relationship.

Are you saying NO to the Good Guys? We all have lists of what we want and those lists to judge the men we meet. Have you thought about whether there is anything there that might be making you say “NO” to the Good Guys? Time to rethink your list!

Playing Hard-to-Get? Some men love the chase, pursuing romance and saying all the right things. And when you play hard-to-get, you’re likely to attract these men. But men who chase are often men who leave. Grown-up confident men of depth don’t participate in relentless pursuit.
Click here to read the full blog

Data suggests 9 months after a Super Bowl victory, winning cities see a rise in births. Watch this video for proof!

Here’s a great idea cooking with your kids with the great Chef Victor Bongo ! It wont hurt to learn a few things around the kitchen from him for that special someone you will soon meet!

Click here for more information!


Make no mistake it’s grounded in science —If you stand like a SUPER HERO privately for 2 min, before entering your gathering, function or party, research by Amy Cuddy on body language proves we can not only change our perceptions but others, simply by changing our body pose.

Want to survive the holidays not feeling nervous about being single and even better– change who we ask out on a date for 2016?

“Pose like WONDERWOMAN” or “Do the SUPERMAN”; make yourself powerful, stand up straight and realize who you are– a tiny tweak can have a huge change especially when it comes to dating.


i am his cat women photo