Some more helpful dating advice from Alex!  This post talks about the trend of “negging.”  Take a read:

“When the Matchmaking world works right, good things happen to and for good people.” Give a shout out and HAPPY BIRTHDAY WISHES to Rhonda today for helping all those “good people” get matched up!

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From actual Matchmaker for Hire Client, “He’s a Retired Business Professional Questing for Love”:

“I dated for a time through friends referring friends as well as Internet dating but with limited overall success.  I tried connecting with people I thought I had something in common with.   In the process I met a lot of very nice ladies but…unfortunately realized they weren’t right for me.  I knew if I was to be successful in finding that someone special I needed to change my strategy and it was at this point I sought out the services of a professional.    Little intimidating to be sure but absolutely the right decision. The world around us is in a constant state of change and becoming more complex.   So too is the challenge of finding that “Special” one.   I met with Jane Carstens of Matchmaker for Hire about 6 months ago.  I was impressed. She listened and asked a lot of questions…the right questions… all in an effort to get to know me…the real me…. including a visit to my home.  Jane is very skilled in the art of listening, understanding people and intuitively bringing them together.   She looks closely at core values and compatibility.  She has referred a number of potential matches to date and in each case I have been able to see her methodology in action.  Although I haven’t yet met that special one, I believe it is only a matter of time.    What’s important is to never lose hope and to maintain a positive attitude. To suit up and show up and be the best me I can be when meeting new referrals.  By doing that and maintaining my confidence in Jane’s abilities I know that special person will one day soon cross my path.”

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Are you: In your 30’s? Female? Sick of being an odd-numbered wheel in your social circle?    Yes, yes, yes?

Okay then: truth or dare?

Truth: If you were to come across a gentleman in his late 30’s with a great career, a playful sense of humor, a stylish wardrobe, and a set of strong family values why would you allow the possible opportunity to meet this man pass you by?

Dare: Contact us. [email protected] or [email protected]  or call 778-552-3350

*No fees apply

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Dating with Food Allergies, these are the rules: Never kiss, then tell. Instead, tell first, kiss safely – or don’t kiss at all.      So what are two lovebirds to do? Simple: skip the food and go straight to kissing!

In this crazy world of dating with food allergies, you have to think of it as “out of the ordinary” dating, where planning ahead is key and the difference screams caution and reality, whether you like it or not.  Take the lead when it comes to those first glances, have the talk first before it gets down to …… your lips locking with another’s and your heart is beating a mile a minute……….ahhhhh, the dreaded kiss.

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If you are interested, please contact us for more information.  ( All Fees are paid for by this client)

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It’s important to consider who is advising you when it comes to love and relationships.  Take a peek at Alex’s latest blog on this exact topic!