While we have been busy igniting sparks in Vancouver, our dearest Susanna has been busy experiencing Europe (while doing her MFA of course). Here is a photo she shared with us, of her in Glasgow. Can’t wait to have her back in the office this summer!

As seen in the Georgia Straight today, April 24, 2014 –    He’s tall, dark and good looking 33 year old guy looking for his sweetheart!
Interested? contact us


Do men really prefer a feisty gal to a super sweet one?  Weigh in and let us know what YOU think!


She likes to escape to her secluded Gulf Island cabin, but still is up for travel on and off the beaten path.  If you are a gentleman in your 60’s and interested to hear more, please contact me at [email protected]


A return to old fashioned courtship for todays dating dilemma’s.romance revival pg 5romance revival pg 4romance revival pg 3

Romance revival pg 1

Romance revival pg 2

Cherry Blossoms, sunshine, patios and a new love – Just a few things that pop up after a long winters nap!

Dear Jane Column – Spring Issue – Niche Magazine – 2014




As seen in the National Post – Saturday March 29, 2013

We represent this slim, very feminine mid 40’s Calgary woman
She would like to meet a spontaneous, traditional guy with integrity aged 50ish
Interested? Email or Call me!


While Gwenyth and Chris undergo “conscious uncoupling” we at Matchmaker For Hire have decided to embark on conscious coupling!


Drum roll please….
We are excited to introduce our newest member of the team; Jennifer Irwin. She has a background in Psychology and Counselling and is looking forward to matching clients and coordinating dates. There’s nothing more she enjoys than a match made in (Matchmaker For Hire) heaven 🙂

office today 029