According to research, kissing can help us find the right partner and keep him/her. Watch the link and tell us what you think!

How DO you make a MATCH for a Matchmaker- listen here where I share with Michael Eckford on CKNW News Talk 980 last nite.

Jane and Micheal E - CKNW Feb 12 2014


This month in @ELLEmagazine What to eat on Valentine’s Day to make sure you look great naked.

Not only is VALENTINES DAY on a Friday this week the moon is enroute to becoming a full moon as well …….now that’s a match truly made in heaven!

moon always photo

Come and see us next weekend at ZoomerShow- Canada’s largest National consumer show  and lifestyle expo for men and women 45+. Health, money, travel, lifestyle… if it’s hot, if it’s important, if it can benefit you, it’s at the ZoomerShow (We’ll be there at booth 240) . Here is a link to a complimentary ticket to come see us at the show!


Had fun this morning chatting to 101.5 Kool FM and Tarzan Dan on Valentines Tips to make sure you are still in a relationship come February 15!

Since money doesn’t buy love, why spend a fortune on gifts this Valentines Day?

How much do you spend on Valentine’s Day? $20 for chocolates ,$50 for Flowers, $100 for dinner for 2

You don’t have to break the bank to keep from breaking your lovers’ heart—just use imagination and initiative!      Being romantic can actually be pretty inexpensive.

For the LOVER of Food Throw a Romantic Dinner (after all a way to a man’s Heart is thru his stomach)Look for a high end grocery store in your area that offers fancy take home dinners.  Pick it up with a bottle of sparkling wine (Italian Prosecco) set a nice table at home.  You’ll get away with half the price.

Do a Chore –Offer a gift of labor….a good gift must be specific and as immediate as possible……..Offer to detail his/her car and set the date to do it.

Think Estate Jewelry (always make it really personal when you can) –Shop Antique stores and look for a piece that doesn’t look like it came off an overpriced assembly line.

Time Shift (who says you have to celebrate ON Valentine’s Day) –On February 14, flowers and dinners are double the price, why not celebrate yours a little early or later!




This morning on 107.3 KOOL FM-Today’s Best Music in Victoria I was asked:
DEAR JANE, If you’re going to dump someone do you have to wait until after Valentines Day or does this make it worse?
Well my question back to you is why did you wait until now?                                                                                                                 You cant win either way really, but my advice is don’t string anyone along especially on or near to Valentines!                     Check out my dating and relationship advice column in NICHE magazine, go ahead and ask away!!!!!
several magazines images

second chances final