How One “Matchmaker for Hire” T-shirt changed everything!
When Steph, a member of our Matchmaker for Hire team, put on her M4H T-Shirt on the morning of July 27th 2012 for last years Calgary Folk Fest, she didn’t know she’d be changing lives that very afternoon. After going through her twitter feed and noticing that there was a giveaway at one of the retail concessions, Steph went over to check it out. Monica, who was in charge of Marketing for the event and had written the tweet, immediately noticed Steph’s shirt as she approached the tent, “Boy, do I need you!” she said. Just that past week, Monica and her mother had been talking about how when she returned home to Edmonton from her business trip at Folk Fest, they were going to get started on a Plenty of Fish profile for her. Monica had been single for a while, focusing on her career, and had decided it was time to get out there again.
Monica and Steph got to talking, and clicked right away. Monica, a beautiful blonde, was sports-minded, health-conscious, strong, organized and great at her job. As they continued the conversation a light went on in Steph’s head, “you’d be perfect for Mike!” she thought. Mike was Steph’s golf-buddy and Physiotherapist. Also happy, healthy and athletic, Mike was a quality single guy and she jotted down his number for Monica, “You guys have to meet!”
As Monica called her mother to say, “you won’t believe what just happened…” Steph called Mike to tell him the exciting news.
Three days later, Mike and Monica were on the phone. As Mike lived in Calgary and Monica in Edmonton, it took a little bit of coordinating to get the first date organized, but after their first dinner in Calgary, they knew they’d found something special.
Fast forward one year later– trips to Mexico, endless back and forth, meeting the families– and Monica and Mike are moving in together. Monica credits her willingness to take a chance that day as the reason she is with Mike now– “If you see a sign, go for it,” says Monica. “If I’d never seen Steph’s Matchmaker for Hire shirt and approached her, been so open-minded, I never would have met Mike.”

The Happy Couple
Love Doesn’t Come Cheap!
The Deutsche Bank has compiled a so-called ‘Cheap Date Index,’ which measures the cost of a date as defined by a standard bouquet of roses, a taxi ride, a Pizza Hut pizza, a two-litre bottle of pop, two movie tickets and a couple of beers. Where does this rendezvous cost most across the world?
10. Paris = $170.92
9. Moscow = $172.76
8. Chicago = $177.29
7. New York = $185.55
6. San Francisco = $186.93
5. Toronto = $197.54
4. London = $199.07
3. Tokyo = $213.51
2. Melbourne = $226.56
1. Sydney = $229.77
Okay…so we might have some of the most expensive gas prices but at least we catch a break when it comes to dating!
State-sponsored matchmaking? What do you think Christy Clark?
It’s Never Too Late to Date!
It’s never too late to date! Check us out in the West Ender, out today!
How One “Matchmaker for Hire” T-shirt changed everything!
How One “Matchmaker for Hire” T-shirt changed everything!
When Steph, a member of our Matchmaker for Hire team, put on her M4H T-Shirt on the morning of July 27th 2012 for last years Calgary Folk Fest, she didn’t know she’d be changing lives that very afternoon. After going through her twitter feed and noticing that there was a giveaway at one of the retail concessions, Steph went over to check it out. Monica, who was in charge of Marketing for the event and had written the tweet, immediately noticed Steph’s shirt as she approached the tent, “Boy, do I need you!” she said. Just that past week, Monica and her mother had been talking about how when she returned home to Edmonton from her business trip at Folk Fest, they were going to get started on a Plenty of Fish profile for her. Monica had been single for a while, focusing on her career, and had decided it was time to get out there again.
Monica and Steph got to talking, and clicked right away. Monica, a beautiful blonde, was sports-minded, health-conscious, strong, organized and great at her job. As they continued the conversation a light went on in Steph’s head, “you’d be perfect for Mike!” she thought. Mike was Steph’s golf-buddy and Physiotherapist. Also happy, healthy and athletic, Mike was a quality single guy and she jotted down his number for Monica, “You guys have to meet!”
As Monica called her mother to say, “you won’t believe what just happened…” Steph called Mike to tell him the exciting news.
Three days later, Mike and Monica were on the phone. As Mike lived in Calgary and Monica in Edmonton, it took a little bit of coordinating to get the first date organized, but after their first dinner in Calgary, they knew they’d found something special.
Fast forward one year later– trips to Mexico, endless back and forth, meeting the families– and Monica and Mike are moving in together. Monica credits her willingness to take a chance that day as the reason she is with Mike now– “If you see a sign, go for it,” says Monica. “If I’d never seen Steph’s Matchmaker for Hire shirt and approached her, been so open-minded, I never would have met Mike.”
The Happy Couple
What do you estimate is the average cost of finding a mate?
What do you estimate is the average cost of finding a mate? Priceless if you find the right one!
Girls Night “Scouting” crawl a success!
Wanna know the best spots to meet men in #yvr? Last night, our girls “Scouting” crawl was both fun and successful! We started at Reflections Rosewood Hotel Georgia for Champagne and charcuterie, where it was raining men on a roofless New York style patio. Then we jumped in a cab to the Fairmont Pacific Rim Hotel; a bit quieter, but we all agreed it to be a great first date spot! From there we went across the street to the new Cactus Club Cafe (Coal Harbour) (what a view!) for “Extra” Dirty martinis and yet more appies, while we watched the sun spotlight the North Shore mountains…and the endless tables of very good looking men! We found them easy to approach, and game for conversation. By 9:30 we were in a cab home, shoes in hand. All in all, scouting was excellent…and a blast! Dating Tip: “you can’t meet anyone sitting at home”
Susanna and Alex at Reflections, Hotel Georgia!
Jill and Jane at Reflections, Hotel Georgia!
Now here’s an idea….meet your match while touring on the LOVE BUS! If I organize a local ride, you wanna come?
Happy Birthday Logan!
My Grandson Logan turns 5 today!
It seems like yesterday I saw him for the first time and now 5 years later, my world has been blessed beyond forever with the great love Logan has brought.
He’s the whole package!
Ladies– are you the perfect complement to this once-in-a-lifetime catch in Victoria? Call now and see our ad in Niche Magazine, inserted into The Globe and Mail on July 15th.
Heads up to our friends and followers!