If you are reading this, I already know that you are searching for the same thing that our BC Bachelor is.

He understands the theory that hoping and wishing, no matter the time, are not enough to find a new relationship, or better yet find love.  In our experience, finding your soul mate requires a different, far more soul-enriching approach that can only enhance the outcome. He appreciates we search from our verified database of eager single women who would quite like a boyfriend, along with diligently recruiting as part of his plan.  We know he is not one for “dating” and he trusts our process of arranging this search, because we know who he is and who he would like in his life.

So, to all the single ladies, I am honestly giving you a chance to meet one of our best Bachelors in an exclusive way, and at no cost to you.  He is ready to meet you and he’s quite the catch!

He’s a tall, handsome, fit and established entrepreneurial semi-retired BC gent living in the sea-to-sky area.  He prefers mountain views with a long stretch of weekend time off with no official plans, yoga on the deck or simply lounging by the fireplace with a really good book. A former professional athlete, he’s equally comfortable in a business suit, ski suit, hiking boots or snowshoes; he enjoys golf and continues to travel and seek out new adventures.  

If you are an attractive, effortlessly athletic woman 55-65 who is less concerned about climbing the corporate ladder and more about spending quality time together, enjoy the mindset and variety of what a mountain lifestyle has to offer, then he’s looking forward to meeting you.  

Forward a short description of yourself and current photo to [email protected] and we will contact you for a personal confidential interview.



While virtual “meetings” are the norm these days, completely replacing physical meetings during one’s search for a partner, is NOT.  Sure, online dating has been the in-thing over the last decade, finding soulmates this way has proven it is not such a safe-haven.

At the onset of Covid, we seen a spike of calls go up with local singles looking for help to meet local singles for face-to-face meetings.  And today, the trend has continued even with the changing restrictions, as singles are relatively more relaxed and want to go back to a world where face-to-face dating was common.

Its interesting to see the newfound appreciation expressed with so many singles for wanting to meet someone local and close to home, albeit with requisite precautions.

If you are looking for love with someone who has the qualities you value, look no further.  We are experienced professionals that will give you a leg up with a client database with over 2 decades of knowing your area.

In Australia, there is the possibility of a radical overhaul of online dating, which would include having to show proof of ID to sign up to the platforms. Some men and women have claimed the rules under consideration by the Federal Government would lead to over-policing and “take all the fun out of dating”. Others agree proving identity to gain access to the websites and apps is a great idea that would make them feel safer and confident to meet up.

Over the last year where we have had more restrictions, a lot of singles have been looking to online for dating.  The singles I speak to have been weighing in with the fact that they would feel safer meeting people from apps if they were VERIFIED.  The fact that there needs to be a lot more security and authenticating someone is a great first step.  There has literally been many situations and experiences for singles I have spoken to of fraudsters more over the past year alone and for most there is nothing much that can be done.  Some revealed they had been scammed with matches they have communicated with regularly over weeks and for some months, over the phone.   They never got to meet the person and said that there were excuses when asked if they could facetime to get to know one another and the red flags came when they ultimately asked for money.  There has been many cases showing fraudsters and abusers could work from the apps with little risk of being caught and even worse repeat offend.

From my experience, I do not think policing the sites would take the fun out of dating at all, it might actually “take the FEAR out of dating”.  However, singles who want to meet other trusted singles do the right thing.  Hire a Matchmaker to meet a Matchmaker Verified Single.   Clients we work with must provide identification including pictures of their passport or drivers license, and for some I even go to their homes to be verified.

Do you think singles should have to prove their identification to sign up to meet YOU?

You decide!

I am about to celebrate a birthday.  Which one, I will not tell, but I don’t feel any older, other than just another day where I have to remember to change the digit when people ask how old I am.  But enough about my birthday!

Birthdays are like your own personal national holiday; the one day a year when you’ve gathered the most important people in your life and they celebrate in your honor, and pretty much let you do whatever you want. With today’s restrictions where family is far away, and friends feel distant it makes you feel damn alone and as single as ever.

So, if you think that spending your birthday single is terrifying, here’s a few reasons exactly why you have to do it.

  • You don’t have to stress, it’s the single most selfish day of the year.
  • You’re free to stop and appreciate all the little things you come across on your solo adventure.
  • And being alone leaves you with no option other than to be brave; it will remind you of how naturally it is to be social (no social media) and talk to more people, socially distanced and you never know who you might meet that will turn your birthday from a status of single to taken.

There is no secret to finding the right partner (we do it everyday). In fact, singles have been eager to get back out there just 6 weeks into lockdown and we have had many relationships bloom despite restrictions, in mindful socially distanced ways.  It’s a new chapter you should enter with as much positivity, persistence, patience and clarity as you can.

Happy Birthday!

With so many people working from home, 2020 was not the most social year.  A lot of us got accustomed to dating via zoom meetings, others, craving an opportunity to get out and meet someone new doing patio drinks, or socially distance walks. 

In Canada, there has been caveats and province to province there has been snags.   East of Alberta has mostly been closed to all drink/dining out with second lockdowns in less than a year, but the West Coast was open with protocols and it has affected the way we access meeting other singles.  As a matchmaker for almost 2 decades, it has felt like a weird time because everything has happened, and nothing has happened, but it feels like we are finally moving in the right direction and can see the light at the end of the tunnel. 

This past year, we have seen the dating landscape shift in unexpected ways to all new approaches to relationships and we predict that more changes are coming.  A lot of the daters I speak to have a dating-related resolution for 2021, which include taking things slower and raising the bar when it comes to vetting matches.  Over the past year, most feel the pandemic has given them an abundance of time to focus on themselves, having more confidence to say what is, and is not right for them in their dating life. It has made singles think that having a sound communication and compatibility in a relationship is much more important than just intimacy.  And singles seeking long-term or serious relationships are willing to give multiple chances to the same person that they are dating and that they will stop using dating apps if they get serious. 

Most single people are already set in their heads that they are skipping this year’s Valentines Day, but if you really want me to give you some advice……Leave any leftover lovers in 2020, do not bring them with you into 2021.  By leaving old relationships and baggage behind you can be open to the new possibilities moving forward.

If you can think of it as New Years Day for a moment.  It is a time to hit the reset button on our lives.  We make resolutions, we think about goals we want to reach, and if we are proactive, we make a plan to get there.  This year imagine Valentines Day as a “Love Life Reset Day” — time to make resolutions in your love life.

In working with singles from new relationships to broken marriages to couples that has lasted for many years, I’ve learned that love is more about caring and kindness than romance and passion.  Personally, I’ve always been as confused about love as anyone—probably more so.  I think that by matchmaking for the last 20 years has in some ways caught me up to where some peoples understanding was already!  And I’m only partly joking about that.  Overall, my client’s stories have made me feel grateful and its what drives me knowing everyone wants love but not everyone can find it.

Heads Up!  It’s ONE MONTH till Valentine’s Day. Watching the Covid-19 data everyday, as I tend to do, has been a grim ritual.  In my neighbourhood, in the places where my friends, family, clients live and across the nation the cases, hospitalizations are getting worse and some are finding better.  So, when will there be some relief? 

The good news is dating is still happening despite a few new protocols.  As usual, there are caveats and province to province there are snags. Vancouver & Victoria you can still go out for a socially distanced drink or dinner, Edmonton & Calgary is shutdown to all indoor gatherings, and Toronto & Ottawa are on strict lockdowns.  Although it’s hard to know exactly what to do next if you are wanting to date, singles are more open to a more virtual first date (unless you are in or want to come to BC, right now its looking pretty good).  By getting vaccinated, pretty soon it will be significant enough to have a more positive effect on the big picture for traditional dating, fingers crossed by mid-February.  

All that said, I’m hopeful that my morning ritual will soon become a lot less watching and a lot more MATCHMAKING.

Our bachelor understands this theory the way we do. Hoping and wishing, no matter the year, are not enough to find a new relationship, or better still find love. In our experience, finding your soul mate requires a different, far more soul-enriching approach that can only enhance the outcome. We search from our record of eager single women who would quite like a boyfriend, along with assiduously recruiting as part of his visionary plan. 

So, to all the single ladies I am honestly giving you a chance to meet one of my best Bachelors—in an exclusive way, and at no cost to you. 

He is ready to put himself out there and he’s quite the catch! He is in his late 40’s, 6’1” and a good-looking, athletic guy who is caring, giving, smart, sincere and unique. He enjoys living a healthy lifestyle balanced with showing off his culinary skills, spoiling his “niblings” doing the uncle thing, summer and winter Whistler trips and travel.  He hopes to find his special woman soon so contact us at [email protected] to learn more for yourself or pass it on to you best girlfriends.

You may or may not have heard Santa is back on the market.  Here are just a few of the many reasons we can verify that he is a total catch.

  • One workday a year = you want to play hooky on a random Tuesday and take a day trip up the coast, He’s down!
  • His mind is like a steel trap for schedules and dates.  No anniversary is going uncelebrated with him.
  • He loves pets! He works with 12 moody reindeer and can handle anything.
  • He’s very comfortable with toys, if you know what I mean 😉
  • You can call him Daddy Christmas

Finding someone a person to share a romantic relationship with, who is aligned with them on core values, brings us great happiness…. contact us, Confidential Matchmaker for Santa and we will hook you up.

As a matchmaker for many interfaith couples, singles are taking a more united front. Not only do you have the opportunity to celebrate double the amount of holidays, that also typically fall around the same time and can be hectic–and they are just fine with that. Although the root of Christmas and Hanukkah celebrate two very different things, on the surface, they’re both about lights, gifts, and family and those are values singles are definitely looking for.

Although, the first time for some couples to come home and meet the parents– a relationship milestone– can hold a lot of promise of more excitement than nervousness.  Except for interfaith couples you already have a strike against you: you’re not the same faith.

For the most part singles who are not practicing a specific religion, following what their parents ingrained in them growing up —being on the religious fence somehow seems more manageable than one or both strongly devout.  Eventually, as relationships progress – with that first meeting of the parents behind them – you can begin to speak in earnest about the future of your relationship. And when it comes time to take those next steps, they all take a United Front.

The slight sting of not being “one of them” according to the couples I have matched over the years may always be felt, but as long as your partners on your side, it won’t matter. And just so everyone’s on the same page. Literally.  The history of each holiday is incredibly rich, and whether you’re educating one another or even a friend, it can be uplifting and beautiful to know the culture and meaning of every holiday.