Even though it’s Halloween, I promise I won’t Ghost You!

Halloween has been always an important holiday for singles looking to meet new people in a more casual setting and this year is no different. Other than the virtual and socially distanced festivities and platforms required to safely partake in its festivities, it is important to pinpoint what works and what does not to make the search for love as effective as possible.
- Choosing a costume, right down to the details give a very clear first impression. Pick something that reflects your interests, your date will begin to get a sense of who you are, right away. If your stuck go with eye catching funny!
- Planning a seasonal date is very romantic, even if its spooky season. Do some research for an outdoor, socially distanced, and perfectly themed safe Halloween date.
- Skip the candy and savour sweet moments; throw a virtual Halloween Party. If you cannot spend it in-person, get a group of friends and your potential new crush for a virtual gathering, costumes mandatory and see how your date fits in with your core group.
To join Matchmaker for Hire’s extensive, international network of singles and find that special someone ahead of the spookiest day of the year, please visit www.matchmakerforhire.com or email [email protected]