Interfaith Dating is taking a United Front over the holidays

As a matchmaker for many interfaith couples, singles are taking a more united front. Not only do you have the opportunity to celebrate double the amount of holidays, that also typically fall around the same time and can be hectic–and they are just fine with that. Although the root of Christmas and Hanukkah celebrate two very different things, on the surface, they’re both about lights, gifts, and family and those are values singles are definitely looking for.
Although, the first time for some couples to come home and meet the parents– a relationship milestone– can hold a lot of promise of more excitement than nervousness. Except for interfaith couples you already have a strike against you: you’re not the same faith.
For the most part singles who are not practicing a specific religion, following what their parents ingrained in them growing up —being on the religious fence somehow seems more manageable than one or both strongly devout. Eventually, as relationships progress – with that first meeting of the parents behind them – you can begin to speak in earnest about the future of your relationship. And when it comes time to take those next steps, they all take a United Front.
The slight sting of not being “one of them” according to the couples I have matched over the years may always be felt, but as long as your partners on your side, it won’t matter. And just so everyone’s on the same page. Literally. The history of each holiday is incredibly rich, and whether you’re educating one another or even a friend, it can be uplifting and beautiful to know the culture and meaning of every holiday.