Sexual Orientation is Not Set in Stone

Since founding my company, Matchmaker for Hire, I have been working as Matchmaker in Western Canada areas and beyond and I love what I do. I love my clients and the relationships I was building, however I’m finding some singles are embracing the notion that they are more open to changes in their sexuality or experience a shift in sexual feelings and its becoming more common.
I hear it all the time; “dating is so hard”, “I feel like I know everyone”, “I am so picky”. There are so many reasons why matchmaking is so crucial in today’s world. Today the majority still rely on dating online and hook-up mobile apps, but there are so many reasons why LGBTQ+ matchmaking is crucial to help find that “special someone” who is stable in all aspects of their life.
I have lived in a few major metropolitan cities and know dating is hard everywhere and the issue for most in the LGBTQ+ community, which I’m sure many people would agree, is that there are only so many gay bars where professional singles go to socialize, and it seems like social networks are incestuous. As well , it’s unfortunate that not everyone has the luxury of being “out” which causes a slew of other issues as far as dating online, where matchmaking provides the confidentiality that a lot of people need.
It goes without saying that dating has changed a lot over the years, and we are extremely proud to support the LGBTQ+ community who are looking for love. Look for us this Sunday at PRIDE Vancouver Canada and we hope to catch up with everyone’s Pride and summer plans; also make some great networking and romantic connections.
Happy Pride !