Tag Archive for: #birthdaysingle #janecarstens #matchmakerforhire

I am about to celebrate a birthday.  Which one, I won’t tell but I don’t feel any older, other than just another day where I have to remember to change the digit when people ask how old I am .  But enough about MY birthday!

Birthdays are like your own personal national holiday; the one day a year when you’ve gathered the most important people in your life and they celebrate in your honor, make you feel like royalty, and pretty much let you do whatever you want.   Or at the very least, give you a cake and if you are single they say “you know, you’re not getting any younger with indecision, another year”.  

So if you think that spending your birthday single is terrifying, here’s a few reasons exactly why you have to do it;

  1. You don’t have to stress about planning anything big.
  2. You’re free to do litterly anything you want.
  3. You don’t have to keep anyone waiting; take as little or as long as you like doing the things you enjoy.
  4. And lastly, being alone leaves you with no option other than to be brave; it will remind you of how naturally it is to be social (no social media) and talk to more people and you never know who you might meet that will turn your birthday from a single status to taken.    

Trust me , you will find that this isn’t difficult at all!  What would be difficult is if your birthday is on February 14th ( Valentine’s Day).  If you’re a woman, you’ve officially set yourself up for a lifetime of disappointment –now every guy you date will have to do something special, squared.  If you’re a guy, you now have to spend your birthday making somebody else feel special, because Hallmark said so.