Tag Archive for: #findlove

I have seen over this last month with the singles I speak to, it can be quite difficult as a parent to adjust to a new home and family dynamic after the kids have moved out or on to university living. They have shared feelings of loneliness and restlessness and it’s important to realize that along with this big change come many possibilities, especially if you are SINGLE.  Rather than an end, this time in your life can be a wonderful new beginning.

It isn’t a bad thing; simply put its time for you to spread your wings.

Connecting with others who are looking for love in the same situation and those you may not have had time for in recent years.  You can start with brushing up on your dating skills, get some new photos, create a great bio and put yourself out there to meeting others for fun, friendship, or romance interests that’s totally new to you.

It’s easy and just a matter of putting forth an intentional effort to “date”.

If you need a little help, contact us [email protected] We are always keen to help. No Strings attached.


The media & TV, you see, contributes to the failure of many relationship expectations around the world.  Glamorizing and magnifying fairy tales that cause us – women especially- to have unrealistic expectations about how successful romantic relationships are found and maintained and when you think dating becomes a challenging situation it becomes pervasive in your life.

Sometimes the impact is so great that it has virtually obliterated thoughts around dating creating worst case scenarios leaving singles exhausted and sabotaging their own relationship goals that you can’t get out.  How whacked is that?

Fortunately, there are several methods to stop this trouble-making pattern of thought – which over the last 20 years, I got to share with many of my matchmaking clients.  Getting back to traditional ways involving two people who are actually suitable for each other (imagine that) and who, with a little help from extended support often build a successful relationship…..over time.

Let’s be honest, not everyone is prepared for the full matchmaking experience and that’s okay —knowing a thing or two about what works and just having someone there to help can make all the difference.

Email me [email protected]   for a complimentary call and I can tell you more about my new offer, Matchmaker on Demand.


There is no secret in finding the right partner (we do it everyday)!

Thanks so much to hosts Robin Farrell & Chelsea Smith on their very popular Vancouver Island hosted podcast “Don’t Mind if We Do”.  Come join us. There is always room for one more at their table and we shared a lot of laughs and fun chatting ways on how to take the guesswork out of finding your person in the landscape of todays dating.


Need some help or know someone who does?  Send them the link below and have a listen. Episode 9 “Matchmaker Matchmaker…Make me a Match!”



If you loved it please follow us and share with a friend!

I am about to celebrate a birthday.  Which one, I will not tell, but I don’t feel any older, other than just another day where I have to remember to change the digit when people ask how old I am.  But enough about my birthday!

Birthdays are like your own personal national holiday; the one day a year when you’ve gathered the most important people in your life and they celebrate in your honor, and pretty much let you do whatever you want. With today’s restrictions where family is far away, and friends feel distant it makes you feel damn alone and as single as ever.

So, if you think that spending your birthday single is terrifying, here’s a few reasons exactly why you have to do it.

  • You don’t have to stress, it’s the single most selfish day of the year.
  • You’re free to stop and appreciate all the little things you come across on your solo adventure.
  • And being alone leaves you with no option other than to be brave; it will remind you of how naturally it is to be social (no social media) and talk to more people, socially distanced and you never know who you might meet that will turn your birthday from a status of single to taken.

There is no secret to finding the right partner (we do it everyday). In fact, singles have been eager to get back out there just 6 weeks into lockdown and we have had many relationships bloom despite restrictions, in mindful socially distanced ways.  It’s a new chapter you should enter with as much positivity, persistence, patience and clarity as you can.

Happy Birthday!

As if all the self doubt on a 1st date was not enough.  Here are a few quotes that will lead you to where you want to be in finding a partner, all the time telling you to take that leap of faith.  Don’t care or try to think about what they want, worry about yourself today.

“There is only one way to avoid criticism: do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing.” ― Aristotle

“Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else’s opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation.”— Oscar Wilde

“You probably wouldn’t worry about what people think of you if you could know how seldom they do.” ― Olin Miller

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.”— Dr. Seuss

“Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will. “― Suzy Kassem

“Some people say you are going the wrong way, when it’s simply a way of your own.”— Angelina Jolie

We at Matchmaker for Hire are just crazy about all things sweet, especially chocolate.  Hell, chocolate can solve almost any problem and chocolate and dating have gone hand in hand since the beginning of time because we all know that when it comes down to it, nothing can compete with a special moment made of sensuality and chocolate.  So needless to say we are always keen to spread the joy and encourage the passion of chocolate and dating and over the years we’ve hear some little stories and remarks about chocolate and dating to make you smile…..

  • “On our 3rd date he asked me if I was into S&M’s, I thought he had pronounced it wrong, so I answered oh sure I love them, especially the peanut ones.  He didn’t call me back.”
  • “Over dinner we started the debate about sex and chocolate.  9 out of 10 men prefer sex to chocolate he told me, that’s funny I replied, 9 out of 10 women prefer chocolate to sex.  There was a moment’s hesitation; he pulled a box of chocolates from under his chair.  I think we can meet in the middle I smiled.”
  • “My boyfriend wanted to do something extra special, so he laid out a chocolate inspired picnic in front of the fire.  I was working late, and he fell asleep while waiting.  When I came home the chocolate had melted into the rug.  A for Effort, F for the cleaning bill.”
  • And lastly, why chocolate and a great date are the same thing – Chocolates are easy to pick up and hard to put down.

Is your dating life like a box of chocolates?

Source credit ; https://www.santabarbarachocolate.com/chocolate-dating/