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We may not have been able to meet our Mr, Ms, or Mx Right physically over the past few months, but we might actually be making deeper connections thanks to lockdown. Today we are seeing that people are taking dating far more seriously, and people have become aware of how precious life and time is, so they are investing their energy in more authentic, connected conversations.

We’re hearing from our clients that there are higher quality chats and there is a significant spike in us setting up social distance walks which are leading to 2nd and 3rd dates.

It will take more than a pandemic to keep us from Love!

#matchmaker #matchmakervancouver #love

You can still meet that right person, even as we emerge slowly from months of confinement. At Matchmaker for Hire, we’re all about connections while remaining dedicated to the health and safety of our clients. We know how difficult and isolating the past weeks have been for many people, but’s now’s not time to meet your match in real life without respecting the rules of physical distancing. Currently, we’re recommending walks and outdoor meetups where proper spacing can be maintained. In addition, we’re actively vetting our clients by asking them if they’re displaying any symptoms for COVID-19 before we set them up on dates. We’re vigilantly monitoring COVID-19 developments and continue to be looking to the Public Health Agency of CanadaHealthLink BC and BC Centre for Disease Control for guidance and recommendations.

 But, until the situation changes, let’s keep the words of Dr. Bonnie Henry top of mind: 

“We’re social people… let’s do it in small, thoughtful ways, and also let’s be really concerned about ourselves and if we are feeling unwell or under the weather, put it off for another day.”

Please be advised that at every single client interaction, we will be asking the following questions:

  • (i) Do you have new/worse cough or shortness of breath?
  • (ii) Are you feeling feverish or have had shakes or chills in the last 24 hours? (> 38 degrees Celsius)?
  • iii) Are you or someone that lives with you currently self-isolating?
  • Has anyone in the home had influenza-like symptoms within the last 14 days?
  • Have you or anyone you’ve come in contact with travelled within the last 14 days? Where?
  • Have you had contact in the last 14 days with a sick person?

So, are you ready to hear what he/she said about you personally?

We live in a feedback culture today. Where it is normal in every other part of our lives from Amazon, Google customer ratings and reviews to TripAdvisor yet why is so hard to seek feedback from a date? It’s ironic because dating is perhaps the most important area where feedback can literally change your life.

After 18 years of experience routinely doing “exit” interviews with my clients, please believe me when I tell you that they are more empowering than embarrassing. Especially if you truly want to find the right mate, it can be extremely helpful the bite the bullet and find out what is going right and wrong during and after your dates.  Uncovering the gap between your perceptions and your dates perceptions will enable you to find your mate more quickly and efficiently. 

What I can share with you is that 90% of women I speak to are wrong when they guess why their date didn’t call them back.  Maybe you aren’t creating enough date-makers while causing too many date-breakers.  Why wonder needlessly when you can just get the information you need, directly from the source?

Information is power. What’s the worst that could happen?

If you’ve found this article helpful, have any questions for me or want to share any personal experiences with giving or receiving feedback feel free to leave a comment and contact me [email protected]

As the matchmaker who’s been setting up dates for my clients, each day this past week, I’ve been a bit more unsure of what the right move is going forward in terms of presenting introductions to you.  As comfortable as one person feels going out for dinner and drinks with someone new in the time of coronavirus, the next person feels differently. My matchmaking colleagues and I have had several recent date cancellations and are brainstorming how our industry must adapt. With over three hundred confirmed cases in Canada now, it seems it may be a matter of time before we see more people quarantining with bars and restaurants in many cities shut down.

Considering your best interest, my observations as to the way singles and the matchmaking industry is reacting, and the ethical obligations I feel as a human being who does not want to contribute to the spread of disease, I present three options to you for best handling the remaining time on your contract:

Virtual Dating: I can set you up on video dates with people who are interested in getting to know someone virtually. After screening candidates for you on phone or video, I would send recent photos and a profile as usual so you could decide if you’d like to accept the introduction. Your “date” will take place on a virtual medium of your choice, and it will count as an introduction on your contract regardless of whether a “real” date takes place. I will coach both parties on how to make the best impression in this medium.

Dating Coaching: You can exchange some of your remaining introductions for coaching sessions. If you are interested in using this downtime for self-reflection and self-improvement in terms of your love life, I promise to give you tremendous value!  You will receive unlimited email coaching and once to twice weekly video coaching sessions to help you learn how to “become your own matchmaker”. You will learn not just how to attract a better match on your own-whether on or offline-but how to keep him or her for the long term. I will use feedback from past dates, a thorough assessment of your relationship history, as well as my overall impression of your strengths and weaknesses in terms of attracting a match. Most importantly, it will teach you how to attract/maintain the relationship you desire.

Hold Time: We will simply put things on hold for a bit until we see how this all pans out.

I will gladly honor and respect your choice, if you know your preference now, please do let me know.

Additionally, it’s a good time to update your profile and photos with us and I’m happy to discuss things further with you this week if you like.

Stay safe and well!

Today is National Promposal Day and prompts the ultimate question “Will you go to prom with me?”

Which recalls a question I get from most all singles I meet, “Why is asking someone out such a difficult thing” and one that gets angst over even for the most confident.   Well, we live in a “dating game society” where people are free to be crappy to each other and its turned courtship into entertainment.  Therefore, we have to accept that some people can be crappy, or at best, acknowledge that people have different ideas about what is crappy behavior and what is good behavior……..but bear in mind that the tiniest few might actually mean well!

So instead of crying because someone won’t ask you out, feel FREE to ask him/her out.

If you do, please let me know, I’d like to congratulate you.

We at Matchmaker for Hire are just crazy about all things sweet, especially chocolate.  Hell, chocolate can solve almost any problem and chocolate and dating have gone hand in hand since the beginning of time because we all know that when it comes down to it, nothing can compete with a special moment made of sensuality and chocolate.  So needless to say we are always keen to spread the joy and encourage the passion of chocolate and dating and over the years we’ve hear some little stories and remarks about chocolate and dating to make you smile…..

  • “On our 3rd date he asked me if I was into S&M’s, I thought he had pronounced it wrong, so I answered oh sure I love them, especially the peanut ones.  He didn’t call me back.”
  • “Over dinner we started the debate about sex and chocolate.  9 out of 10 men prefer sex to chocolate he told me, that’s funny I replied, 9 out of 10 women prefer chocolate to sex.  There was a moment’s hesitation; he pulled a box of chocolates from under his chair.  I think we can meet in the middle I smiled.”
  • “My boyfriend wanted to do something extra special, so he laid out a chocolate inspired picnic in front of the fire.  I was working late, and he fell asleep while waiting.  When I came home the chocolate had melted into the rug.  A for Effort, F for the cleaning bill.”
  • And lastly, why chocolate and a great date are the same thing – Chocolates are easy to pick up and hard to put down.

Is your dating life like a box of chocolates?

Source credit ; https://www.santabarbarachocolate.com/chocolate-dating/

Ready for someone to scour Vancouver for you – with no stone left unturned- armed with compassion and an unparalleled intuition for finding the love of your life?

Meet Laura….

After working with a high-end matchmaking firm in NYC she understands the unique, every-changing dating scene – with great insight into exactly what you’re looking for so you can stop wasting your time on non-compatible connections.   Over the years, her high-end modelling agency clients have consistently approached her, imploring her to spearhead a high-end dating service and she came into the matchmaking world with a credible skill set to find all the attractive, magnetic, and smart matches for her clients, and recently back in Canada with connections to some of Vancouver’s most gorgeous men and women.

Now joining the team at Matchmaker for Hire, Laura’s expertise has continued to venture boldly into the world of dating and her curiosity, excitement, and intuition serve her in effortlessly spotting your perfect match. 

The result; we remain exclusive matchmaking experts that offer our elite clients the very best services available.

If you are single on Thanksgiving this weekend you may easily feel a little nervous going home for the holidays anticipating the family court of questions about your love life.  You shouldn’t be ashamed for being single and letting them know there isn’t a “SO” in your life.  I am not saying it won’t sting a little bit, but not being in a relationship is a great time to explore what you’re into and the kind of person you see yourself with. 

Rest assured there is absolutely nothing wrong with you, and it’s totally valid if you want people to stop questioning you about your lack of partner in your life.  A simple solution; say “I’m single, so, what’s new with you?”.  It’s a clear and straightforward way to pivot the conversation that you don’t want to discuss it any further. 

From there, you can enjoy the food, fall weather, and the rest of the night- Single doesn’t have to go home early!

Much of the world today seems to operate on contracts.  With such a “quid pro quo” approach, both sides get something for giving something.  While quid pro quo contracts seem to work well in establishing things such as lawn service or credit card agreements, they rarely are found in any healthy, dating relationships. 

Why?  That’s because inherent in the “you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours” approach is the fact that each partner keeps a runny tally of who’s done what for whom, and then reciprocates accordingly.  And we all know that we have times when we contribute less in our relationships than your partner and that relationships are rarely a perfect 50/50 division; sometimes you do more sometimes you do less.

However, in a world today where we have due dates, late fees and quid pro quo responsibilities to keep track of, it should bring comfort for many to be in a relationship where kind acts are done out of genuine love, not in hopes of getting something in return.

No tallies, no who did what and not whose turn is next.  It’s a great feeling, and a great way to keep love alive, especially when you are dating.  Now go do something nice.

Over the last decade, boutique matchmaking firms have cultivated reputations as caring and collaborative professionals who provide personalized assistance to hundreds of singles in North America and around the world. 

So far, we have had an undeniably positive influence on the dating scene and we want to continue helping as many singles as we can in as many ways as we can.  We are more than willing to expand our reach, influence and expertise with other professionals who share similar goals and business models in the dating industry.  We can give our clients access to the best potential matches possible as many of our clients have second homes in different parts of the country.   In fact most of the dynamic Matchmakers I’ve met have become so well-known for their dating expertise and combined years of experience you might have seen them on many media outlets.

The one thing we all agree on is that we really feel we’re making a difference in people’s lives.  I mean that’s why we all got into the matchmaking business in the first place (18 years for me), to give the best gift we can give someone — to help them find love.

September SCOOP: This week, our strong matchmaking network from around the Pacific North West know the value of collaboration and we are attending a forward-thinking day of face-to-face meetings and collaboration hosted in Seattle.  So if it suits you to expand your reach out to other areas for potential matches within NA or throughout the world let your Matchmaker know.  We can help you access to the best resources possible  “because a rising tide lifts all boats” US President John F. Kennedy.