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Many singles say they’re in the same boat; anxious, overwhelmed with wide-eyes, hoping for the best and just days away from a new set of resolutions to find love in 2018!  If you’re single and want to get into a relationship in the coming year, you can’t expect to do the same things over and over again expecting different results.  So, if you were unhappy in romance last year, I’ve absolutely got you covered with these great steps to say goodbye to a lonely 2017 and have a happy 2018!

Embrace being Single; Not in the sense of accepting it, but by living your life happily as a single person. The irony is that when you embrace the single life in this way, you become much more attractive to others. A fun, confident person living his or her life to the fullest is very attractive. Be that person!

Get a Life; Meaning an active social life. Besides, attraction involves lots of biological functions, which doesn’t always translate well to photos and bios online. If your social network is limited, then check out activities that you’ll enjoy and meet other people. So, if you like running, do a running event. If you’re into board games, find something related to that.

Give Chances; Give people you normally wouldn’t a chance. Now, I’m not saying to settle (see next resolution). But, I am talking about this scenario: you meet someone cool and you feel attraction. You get to know him or her and you click. But, since that person “isn’t your type” or is too old, young, short, tall, poor, rich, or anything else you’ve set in your head as an artificial boundary, you are tempted to stop the budding relationship. Too many people miss the silver lining because they’re expecting gold.

Don’t Settle; While you should always keep an open mind to good people you find attractive (see previous resolution), you don’t want to go the other route where you settle with someone simply because you’re lonely or feel pressure to “settle down.”


Ahhh New Year’s Resolutions. They’re a great opportunity to really set ourselves up for some magnificent failures and  remarkable victories in finding LOVE…………amirite?

Thanks to Mariah Carey and uncomfortable relatives around the festive table to have a lover at Christmas, it is the most popular time of year for singles to go searching for that special someone. Sleigh bells are ring ting tingling and for singles its time to pull out your best lines and get out there.

Now if you cave in to the cries of the dating massive, true love probably isn’t in the cards.  Matchmaking ensures you’re only exposed to like minds and people who meet your criteria. You don’t want to waste your time with someone who’s not even verified, do you? Think of how much better it will be if both you and your partner come recommended; verification that you are both important and deserving of love.

There’s plenty to celebrate about good relationships, but in a world where being single makes you feel like an oddity its time to change the focus.  Make this year the year there will be NO moping about your marital status, NO joining the festive Christmas-y stampede in the bedroom, just make the most of your alone time while it lasts.  Our clients say; once they found The One, there’s no going back to the luxury of being completely selfish, so enjoy some rum spiked noggy for the duration of the holidays.

A Partner isn’t just for Christmas – it’s for LIFE.



It’s always exciting to start a new relationship, but we often forget about the ridiculously awkward parts that accompany that just-started-dating period. So, if you recently started seeing someone new, you might want to prepare yourself for these uncomfortable moments that you’re bound to encounter and it just might be on the first date. But hey, love is worth it, right?

Let’s be honest, first dates, while exciting can also be downright terrifying.  We either freeze under pressure, awkward silences abound or worse, its full of sexual tension with flirtatious exchanges. You should however use this time together to playfully grill each other — while, you know, throwing in some flirting for good measure. Like that scene in (movie you’ve both seen) where you end with “did you ever do things like that?” Risqué questions wrapped in an anecdote wrapped in a flirt.  Makes for fun conversation fodder and a way to get to know someone beyond dinner.  Of course, if you are ever in a moment where the talk seems weird, gross and very uncomfortable, whether knowingly or unintentionally, let me be very clear, there is no excuse for this kind of behavior and make it clear right away you are no longer interested.

Our motto is “always be prepared” and remember that uncomfortable feelings and difficult experience are all part of dating.






The couple that’s together and you don’t recall a time of them being on their own.  That couple whose personalities are either too similar to too different.  That couple that, from the outside looking in don’t look like they might fit but they just do.

In order to say two people as a couple, are perfect for each other, we have put together a few phrases we have heard over the years to express they are a perfect match to each other.

  • A couple that “has good chemistry” gets along really well.
  • A “compatible” couple fit together really well.
  • A “power couple” are a couple that together, can do anything.
  • A “cute” couple look good together.
  • A couple that is “equally attractive” have a similar level of attraction. (Both members are attractive, or unattractive, etc.)
  • A “good-looking” couple implies that the members of the couple are both independently attractive. (Hot, Sexy, Attractive all same meaning!)


IF you or someone you know is a Gent in his 60’s or 70’s, living in Canada or the US with goals for yourself and want to be with a woman who has goals for her own life too, then read on……and contact me at [email protected] 

Do you relish the view of the sea or is the vista of the mountains your out-and-out favorite?  Don’t be surprised if your potential partner just doesn’t appreciate the same view –does that makes some of you let out a big sigh when it comes to dating?  According to research and our own experience of matching couples for 16 years people should consider personalities and lifestyles more closely when choosing a partner.

Let’s see what a mountain view choice can say about your personality.

  • People who love living in the mountains are said to be more prone to thinking. (Did you know that if you love this instead of beaches, you would be in the same personality category as best-selling author J.K. Rowling?)
  • People who like the mountains tend to be self-fulfilling but that doesn’t mean that they are a loner. (If you love living in the mountains, you might enjoy simple and quiet things like yoga on the veranda or simply lounging by the pool with a really good book)
  • Someone who prefers living in the mountains than staying near the beach would also prefer having a quiet drink at home with a partner instead of going to a loud bar.
  • Those who prefer mountain views are also said to enjoy things like: A long stretch of weekend time with no official plans, writing and shopping.
  • The last resort for singles living in the mountains is to move to a more metropolitan area—where dating is a different thing entirely!!!

There is no evidence that living in the mountains makes people prefer their own company and it equally doesn’t mean that they like being alone either. So, if you tend to like the mountains and the greens and spending quality time together then I am going to end this piece with a possibility!  If you are a single woman in her 50’s contact me [email protected] for a personal and confidential interview to meet this client.  ***As seen in the North Shore News, Sunday November 26, 2017.

As first dates can go, they can start almost perfectly.  Flattered and impressed by each others confidence, no doubt been honed by a sharp-elbowed and occasionally brutal local dating scene, you meet again. Your reward?  A text sent just hours later informing you that they’re sincerely sorry but didn’t think we were a “romantic match”.  This is just one of many experiences I hear all the time from people I meet as they gingerly dip a toe in the dating pool.

What I have found in this fearsome new world is there has been some big changes in particular and a new heartlessness pervades dating.  This means people are cut-throat and brash about what they want, and if they don’t see it immediately in an online profile or in a face to face date, they are gone. Second is the seemingly irresistible rise of internet dating. The past decade, online dating has gone from somewhat of a freak show, to today, having the “creeping” capabilities to root out a host of eccentrics on every site.

So, you ask yourself how do I find myself still single all the while your thinking about the possibility of finding love again? With the recent statistics in Canada revealing that 54% of the population is single, the newly single should never give up and bear one thing in mind—positivity is contagious, and always retain your sense of humor.  That way if you’re hurt, you wont stay hurt for long.

Oh, hiring a Matchmaker can’t hurt either!

Being older than 60, single and looking for romance has never been easy, and for women who typically outnumber single men, its especially challenging.  While the internet makes it easer for women over 60 who didn’t grow up with the “worldwide web” to get outside their social circles for dating and romance, I know from speaking to many singles everyday, it only makes them more vulnerable to deception.

Here’s a couple of examples that some have discovered;

  • People are a little generous (not what they are) about themselves in their profiles.
  • 95% of the men use dating sites to go out and avoid a relationship-no matter what they say!
  • It’s easier to become emotionally intimate with someone quickly, and communication is instant- scammers are very skilled at seducing!

Now, I am not saying that you should be afraid to go online, yes, you will meet some frogs, but with a little cautiousness it does increase the odds — and that’s why we’re not going to end this piece without a happy story.

“I am ready to meet my soul mate. Before we even met she knew what I am looking for in a partner, and that is one of the great advantages, I think with working with Jane”.  He further comments “Despite the 6-1, woman to man ratio on the island, I know she will find the perfect match that compliments for us both” he says.

If you are in your 60’s, living on Vancouver Island contact me  [email protected]  for a personal and confidential interview for a potential to meet my client.

WARNING! ******  She’s Pretty Irresistible! 

Finding a meaningful relationship with an incredible man who can stand by her side are top priorities for this beautiful woman.

If you’re an active, thoughtful, honest and confident guy, in your late 40’s to mid-50’s, you could be the perfect match, contact me [email protected] 

At every Olympics event you see a series of athletes battle it out for gold. But away from the track, the sporting heroes are also rumored to be competing for each other .  Sound Familiar?

Despite all your great intentions you feel you are continually falling short of your expectations and its’ negatively impacting you finding a love connection despite your willingness to have a relationship?

With the thousands of singles, we frequently meet we decided to analyse some of today’s dating behaviors and outline better winning performances that are needed to go the distance to be fearless in dating.  Nothing better than us bringing in the winning coach to help! Coach Rams’ approach breaks things down from a coach’s perspective and together we will define ways to help you apply it to a pursuit of LOVE.

Join me on Thursday October 12, 2017, 7-9pm, at our Vancouver Yaletown location.  Limited seats for the 1st of our complimentary Q&A series.



Meet Coach Ram Nayyar.  He has over 20 years + of it. –Canadian Olympic Coach and Best-Selling Author (The Sport of Life).  Coach Ram will show you that no matter what is stopping you, fearlessness is always the way forward.  He is an Olympic Level Coach and mentor, advisor and guide to elite and developing athletes, C-Suite Professionals and High-achieving learners, published author, motivational speaker and gifted storyteller; a unique blend of Western Practicality and Eastern Philosophy to drive an active process that helps his clients acknowledge, work through and ultimately overcome the fears that are holding them back from uncovering and achieving renewed motivations, success and happiness.





To concluded with some fun facts; surveys have  compared the success rate of pick-up lines at the games, revealing who won Gold, Silver and Bronze for their engaging chat up lines.

Scoring gold was Portugal. The most commonly used line was: “Hello, have I told you you’re a princess?”  

Spain took silver with the opening: “I’m sorry, but I could not resist your beauty.”

And USA took bronze, going with the line: “OMG, I’m speechless.”

Contact me, [email protected]  today to reserve a spot. We want you to succeed in dating!


I know for a fact that one of the most incredibly important parts in our mate selection process is the first kiss.  The first kiss—well it can only happen once and it is the set up for the relationship that will follow.

As I write this, I hesitated because I realized that over 60 % of my clients coming out of long term relationships, haven’t had a first kiss in many years.  Many have stated they couldn’t remember what it felt like or how it made them feel because their memory was from so long ago.

So Pucker up!  Being single again has its rewards—the anticipation of looking forward to your next first kiss and the excitement that comes with it.

Read on for all the juicy (but not slobbery) scientific details……. http://www.shape.com/lifestyle/mind-and-body/your-brain-first-kiss