Tag Archive for: #newyearsresolutions

I must admit most singles I speak to are happy to say goodbye to a year of chaotic dating and welcome in a new more exciting one. Most say, in 2025 they will use the dating apps less and try to find their own meet-cute moments foraging brand new connections that will be emotionally deeper than what a handful of first dates will get you online.

But before you step into 2025, now is the best time to reflect on your dating wins & flaws, over the last year that you can work on while preparing for the year ahead.    What you might need to do differently to succeed, or do you need to make dating and your relationship a greater priority in 2025?

Take a few minutes to think about these few points to become a better dater.  It’s a small investment of time to set yourself up to make 2025 the best year yet to find your chosen one.

  • Remind me that I should treat everyone I date with respect and do everything out of love.
  • Show me how to control my emotions so that I don’t trauma dump on others.
  • Remind me to practice what I preach and surround myself with people that align with me that strive for betterment in their dating lives.

This can be very personal for some but don’t worry, none of us are perfect.  You can endeavour to spread some light and positivity into the world of dating and make 2025 your best year yet!


If you need some help to uncover and eliminate what’s holding you back, reach out to me, I can help [email protected]



“We had a great drink date. She is everything you said she was.  I’m cautiously optimistic, but it was probably one of the best dates that I have ever had”

Outsourcing your love life and dating with intention is becoming more and more mainstream especially as we enter into 2023 on the right note.

While all dating systems aim to pair people up, in matchmaking, it’s more specific.  You are paired with carefully reviewed potential dates with similar interests and hobbies, and ones who have the best shot at developing a romantic relationship with you.

Any experienced Matchmaker can;

  • Reduce the volume of potential dates and focus purely on quality and zero in on someone with the highest potential and be somewhat assured that your dates genuinely are looking for a long-term relationship too.
  • Rigorously screening clients, and questions getting specific as it can get, proves to have greater results.
  • Simply put, we can help you get the date, but it’s up to you how to stay there once you’ve made the connection.



Do you have a dating experience that you would like to share with us? Go on, then, tell us in the comments section below. 


For most singles, the New Year is the most proactive season to get out and find love. We all have rituals round many things in our life, and I myself will recommit to conscious eating and more exercise.  This being a seemingly endless season of difficulty and uncertainty for everyone—and yet, as is always the case, singles have never had more of a desire to find love.

So, to mark the passing of 2021 and to ring in 2022, I’m sending you this New Year’s inspired reminder, along with a dating challenge.  Start with an inventory of  lists and in place of resolutions, desire your way into a New Year of dating consciously.

Your challenge:

  1. What parts of dating in the last year worked for you, big or small ?
  2. What did last years dating euphoria leave you yearning for ?
  3. What’s behind you dating anxiety from the most mundane to the dreaded?
  4. What safe dating resources and practices saw you thru that you can rely on in 2022 ?
  5. What would a version of your “wildest dream” date look like, no matter how unrealistic ?


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As someone who spent the last 20 years listening to single people sharing some of their biggest dating struggles,  I know better than anyone how much fun the “dating thing” can be.   So many singles blame themselves and feel terrible when they don’t get the results they want.  Plus, dating itself can be loaded up with self-loathing beliefs—this kind of negative mindset will only keep you stuck, yet another year, in a pattern of yo-yo dating.

That being said, the dating thing also comes with some drawbacks.  For example, here are some actual recent dating struggles from our clients that you might be able to relate to;

  • It can be too easy to find people flaws –“I’m getting into my 30’s, I don’t want to date anyone I don’t see a serious future with” . This makes it way too easy to pick holes in people, probably quite unfairly.
  • It can be difficult to read signals “I have no idea how read whether women are/aren’t interested, so I always just err on the side of caution and assume they aren’t.” Figure it out, apply it and just ask them.
  • Being Single can be nice“I’m comfortable being single. I got a good thig going right now”. Nice, but then you don’t put too much effort (or any at all) into dating and are often busy and rarely have the time to date.
  • Overthinking can lead to Overreacting “I overthink, which leads to overreacting, and this causes them to think I’m insane, so they loose interest” . Long story short, you need to CHILL.

If you want to create self-loving, healthy dating habits for 2022 – that are realistic to maintain- then I encourage you to contact us now !  [email protected]


Dating has always allowed you to hit pause and take a break.  But after living thru the last few years of a pandemic which has challenged dating, many of us realize now it’s about so much more.  Matchmakers like me, who work with singles who say they would seriously date someone, are setting the tone.  Dating can be a good catalyst for good and it can even be regenerative for singles.

Knowing what you want, finding smart ways to cut thru all the noise, meeting others who are more ready to find love, generally is on everyone’s mind and a constant with all the singles I speak with these days.  Luckily, Matchmakers have always taken dating seriously and as the world really starts to open up again, here are my 3 reasons to get dating in 2022.

  1. Intentional dating. Elevate the bar, be clear and date with purpose. Know what the heck you’re looking for and seek alignment early (& often); and don’t waste time meeting other singles characterized by finding pleasure in flings and things than staying committed.


  1. The great online migration. Anyone who’s ever tried their hand at online dating apps and fallen into the abyss of badly lit selfies, fib heavy profiles and “one word” messages know exactly what I’m talking about.  Dating apps are designed to keep you on the apps- something most don’t have the time or patience for, and singles are looking for alternatives that can help cut through the noise–willing to give matchmaking a shot.


  1. Make dating fun again. As matchmakers our MO is to make dating fun again, make it romantic, and turn back your attention to mingling with singles in real life.   Something that is lacking in today’s app-driven dating scene.



So here we are the beginning of November. Over the last 20 years that I have been matchmaking,  I don’t know of another four weeks when singles lurch forward into new states of mind quite so dramatically and we are busy.

Hoping to see physical manifestations of our hearts desires feels more urgent on these longer November evenings, and before we shift inevitably into the next year, and if your single you get feelings to find somebody to loveConsider where we were last year at this time.  Vaccine trials, hospitals overwhelmed, borders still closed, November has always been a month of high emotion, whether it’s longing, loss, or memories of closeness.

But come on. Everyone, at one point in their lives needs encouragement along the way and you are no different; without fail our clients hold on to that believing. They let US focus on it and they are enthusiastic to accept meeting potential local love possibilities.

Though patience is a virtue, there is a limit to everyone’s patience. Where are you ?

Happy New Year…this is the year of ….?


Our bachelor understands this theory the way we do. Hoping and wishing, no matter the year, are not enough to find a new relationship, or better still find love. In our experience, finding your soul mate requires a different, far more soul-enriching approach that can only enhance the outcome. We search from our record of eager single women who would quite like a boyfriend, along with assiduously recruiting as part of his visionary plan. 

So, to all the single ladies I am honestly giving you a chance to meet one of my best Bachelors—in an exclusive way, and at no cost to you. 

He is ready to put himself out there and he’s quite the catch! He is in his late 40’s, 6’1” and a good-looking, athletic guy who is caring, giving, smart, sincere and unique. He enjoys living a healthy lifestyle balanced with showing off his culinary skills, spoiling his “niblings” doing the uncle thing, summer and winter Whistler trips and travel.  He hopes to find his special woman soon so contact us at [email protected] to learn more for yourself or pass it on to you best girlfriends.

We budget everything in our lives — food,entertainment, travel, and so on.  One thing we don’t tend to think about in terms of savings though, is dating.  When we take somebody out for a night on the town, we tend to want to go all out.  This is especially true if you’ve just met someone and are actively trying to impress them.  After all, if you took someone out on a first date that consisted of McDonald’s paid with a coupon,followed by a Netflix movie at your buddy’s place, are the chances good for a second date?  Maybe not.

However, that doesn’t mean you should spend tons and tons on the dating scene either. If you do, then all your careful budgeting elsewhere goes to waste. Instead, set a monthly budget for dating. Depending on your earnings, this budget can be high or low, though it should realistically never exceed 10% of your monthly income. Stick to this number while still finding ways to have fun, and you’ll earn a reputation for being a fiscally conservative dating machine.

A recent survey has revealed that, in fact, an average date night in Canada clocks in at $125, with those in Vancouver paying the most of all ($149). Globally, however, a date night in Canada is still cheaper than the same date in several other major global cities.

  • Vancouver is the most expensive city in Canada to date in with an average dating costing $149
  • Winnipeg is the country’s cheapest city for a date with a night out setting you back $116
  • Canadian couples are paying $5 more than their global counterparts for a date.
  • The average Canadian date costs $125 while the worldwide average date is $120
  • Toronto is now the 9th most expensive city in the world to date in – shooting up two places in since 2017
  • Oslo is the world’s most expensive city, with $221 needed to cover a night out
  • Istanbul is the world’s cheapest city for a date at just $40 is needed for a romantic night out

In the end , quality over quantity when it comes to dating……and we can help with that!

Contact [email protected]

Many singles say they’re in the same boat; anxious, overwhelmed with wide-eyes, hoping for the best and just days away from a new set of resolutions to find love in 2018!  If you’re single and want to get into a relationship in the coming year, you can’t expect to do the same things over and over again expecting different results.  So, if you were unhappy in romance last year, I’ve absolutely got you covered with these great steps to say goodbye to a lonely 2017 and have a happy 2018!

Embrace being Single; Not in the sense of accepting it, but by living your life happily as a single person. The irony is that when you embrace the single life in this way, you become much more attractive to others. A fun, confident person living his or her life to the fullest is very attractive. Be that person!

Get a Life; Meaning an active social life. Besides, attraction involves lots of biological functions, which doesn’t always translate well to photos and bios online. If your social network is limited, then check out activities that you’ll enjoy and meet other people. So, if you like running, do a running event. If you’re into board games, find something related to that.

Give Chances; Give people you normally wouldn’t a chance. Now, I’m not saying to settle (see next resolution). But, I am talking about this scenario: you meet someone cool and you feel attraction. You get to know him or her and you click. But, since that person “isn’t your type” or is too old, young, short, tall, poor, rich, or anything else you’ve set in your head as an artificial boundary, you are tempted to stop the budding relationship. Too many people miss the silver lining because they’re expecting gold.

Don’t Settle; While you should always keep an open mind to good people you find attractive (see previous resolution), you don’t want to go the other route where you settle with someone simply because you’re lonely or feel pressure to “settle down.”


Ahhh New Year’s Resolutions. They’re a great opportunity to really set ourselves up for some magnificent failures and  remarkable victories in finding LOVE…………amirite?