Tag Archive for: relationships


When a woman is off the charts, she can have any guy she wants and for some reason she is still looking for you! Well that’s what some of you might be thinking, but guys, what a gift this woman is to invite you into the next level of your glorious evolution! Take her off the pedestal, don’t get me wrong she’s a magnificent goddess and she farts like the rest of us.   Perhaps hers don’t stink but you get the picture, yes?

So, if you are looking for a great relationship, its time to get present and focus on two things:

  1. Start receiving- she’s looking for someone like you! Relationships are reciprocal, remember?
  1. There will be things she sees in you, that you don’t (yet). BE that. Exude that. Wake that up in you. Own it.

I’m sorry to say that most men (and women…..me included) are stubborn and want to ‘do it on our own’ and when we have hit the wall we are more willing to ask for help.  Well don’t wait until then, and I challenge you to not wait and to be proactive.

I would be privileged to book a time to connect with me to at least see if she is for you, attraction and connection aside.

Email me confidentially at  [email protected]   \ or call 778-552-3350   \    As seen in the Victoria Times Colonist – Saturday May 26, 2018



While you still might be tempted to have more “Netflix and Chill” nights, as the temperatures rises, endorphins spark as the sun comes out; so, does your desire for a relationship.  There is something about the days getting a little longer brings us all out of the woodworks and we are seeing a surge in singles wanting to put themselves out there to meet someone,

As spring falls upon us there are still do’s and don’ts when it comes to meeting the right kind of match, based on what you’re looking for and here are a couple of steps you can follow to meet your Spring Love;

DO lose your “laundry list”; This doesn’t mean go out with anyone who asks, but your perfect partner is never 100 percent of what you think is perfect for you that you’ve put on a piece of paper. Date smart, but date with a balance of openness.

DON’T TMI; As relaxed as you are with this great first date, trust me that he’d rather not hear about your alcoholic mother who has a bad habit of continuing asking you for money. As interesting as you think he finds it, it’s because he wants to get to know as much as possible since this is probably the last time he will see you.

DO keep it simple, stupid; Stop trying to complicate things that are not. Relax, stop overanalyzing and putting unfounded pressure on your first few dates. You’re not getting married, you are on your second date.

DON’T try too hard; Put your best foot forward, work on yourself, but remain humbly confident. Don’t ever try to be something you are not in order to try to make someone like you. No one’s perfect. Be your best YOU that you can be, and you will find that right person who loves you for you, flaws and all.

After reading these DOs and DON’Ts are you be ready to meet your Spring Love?

 Contact me [email protected]


“hope springs eternal meaning, definition, what is hope springs eternal: said when you continue to hope that something will happen, although it seems unlikely.”


I know for a fact that one of the most incredibly important parts in our mate selection process is the first kiss.  The first kiss—well it can only happen once and it is the set up for the relationship that will follow.

As I write this, I hesitated because I realized that over 60 % of my clients coming out of long term relationships, haven’t had a first kiss in many years.  Many have stated they couldn’t remember what it felt like or how it made them feel because their memory was from so long ago.

So Pucker up!  Being single again has its rewards—the anticipation of looking forward to your next first kiss and the excitement that comes with it.

Read on for all the juicy (but not slobbery) scientific details……. http://www.shape.com/lifestyle/mind-and-body/your-brain-first-kiss

Here it comes! Just when you were resting on your laurels making it thru the holidays being single……its Valentine’s Day!  Call us kind of a weird-Os’ but Valentine’s Day is our favorite holiday.   Of course, we love Christmas but Valentine’s Day is special …. because it’s about a love that lasts all year for us!

So how do you get through being single on Valentine’s Day without quietly losing your mind? Glad you asked; Get Ready for Next Valentine’s Day!

Getting through Valentine’s Day this year is the first step. The final step is getting ready for Valentine’s Day next year… and each year after that. This may sound like a task that’s going to leave you waking up screaming in the night, but hear me out. Just as the key to getting through this Valentine’s Day is to take steps that give you greater control, the key to making it through future ones is to apply those same principles to your life. Dating – as I’m so often reminding people – is a skill. It’s something that you can take control of and improve with conscious effort along with a little help.

Making the choice to develop and improve those skills is part of how you make Valentine’s Day something you can enjoy instead of something you endure – whether you’re single or in a relationship. And while I’m not big on things like New Years resolutions, Valentine’s Day makes as good a day as any to decide that you’re going to actively work towards concrete steps to becoming more productive in dating.  Part of the point of working with a Matchmaker is to give you highly-specific, personalized advice and tools so you can make romantic success a reality. Whether you need to troubleshoot your dating life, get better results or make a total transformation, you can become the person you’ve always wanted to be.

Ok so now you have been warned, there are no excuses.  Take control of your dating life and make this the last Valentine’s Day you have to suffer through alone.

I’m looking for your thoughts!  Let’s hear them!

“The Universe” responds and sends you messages all the time. Everything you see “out there” every single day is a response to what you are thinking, feeling, believing and doing.  But here is the really exciting news—you can make your world change within hours. How cool is that?

If your desire is to create a vibrant and fun new relationship with someone you’d love to spend time with a sign might be: you meet a stranger in line and a conversation ignites, you open your Facebook page and see a comment on one of your posts, or your sister calls to tell you she has someone you should meet.  Now the problem is, not everyone sees these little things as signs and if you miss the sign, you miss knowing if this could be creating your relationship dream and even worse you’ll literally stop the creation.  Ouch!  Well whether you overthink the “signs” or not and are not sure if you are heading in the right direction of finding a partner, I believe there are no coincidences.

Spreading love and understanding into “the universe” is common practice for us and our clients love the fact that we are able to give highly-specific, proactive, personalized “signs” when it comes to the roadmap that leads to their relationship success.

We always love to work our matchmaking “magic” through a love note in the form of a person.  Its up to you to figure out what to do with it!