Tag Archive for: #sextalk

It’s always exciting to start a new relationship, but we often forget about the ridiculously awkward parts that accompany that just-started-dating period. So, if you recently started seeing someone new, you might want to prepare yourself for these uncomfortable moments that you’re bound to encounter and it just might be on the first date. But hey, love is worth it, right?

Let’s be honest, first dates, while exciting can also be downright terrifying.  We either freeze under pressure, awkward silences abound or worse, its full of sexual tension with flirtatious exchanges. You should however use this time together to playfully grill each other — while, you know, throwing in some flirting for good measure. Like that scene in (movie you’ve both seen) where you end with “did you ever do things like that?” Risqué questions wrapped in an anecdote wrapped in a flirt.  Makes for fun conversation fodder and a way to get to know someone beyond dinner.  Of course, if you are ever in a moment where the talk seems weird, gross and very uncomfortable, whether knowingly or unintentionally, let me be very clear, there is no excuse for this kind of behavior and make it clear right away you are no longer interested.

Our motto is “always be prepared” and remember that uncomfortable feelings and difficult experience are all part of dating.


